Why "Work Life Balance" Is A Total Myth

work life balance myth

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

The Biggest Lie Keeping You Average

Everybody wants success.

Everybody wants more money, more freedom, more power over their own life.

But not everybody is willing to do what it actually takes to get there.

And one of the biggest lies keeping you from making real money, building a life on your terms, and actually winning?

"Work-life balance."

They tell you that you need to separate your career from your personal life.

That working too much will burn you out.

That success without balance is meaningless.

It sounds reasonable. It sounds like the mature, responsible way to live.

But let’s get real.

Every truly successful person you admire, whether they’re a billionaire entrepreneur, a world-class athlete, or a dominant force in their field, did NOT live a balanced life.

They put in extreme effort to get extreme results.

But how do you avoid burn out? And what does it really take to be successful? Let’s dive in.

What Work-Life Balance Actually Means

"Balance" sounds like a smart idea. It makes sense on paper.

But what does it really look like in practice?

Most people picture an even split. Work eight hours. Have eight hours of personal time. Sleep eight hours.

A neat, tidy, structured life.

The problem? That model is based on averages.

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Image Courtesy of Big Money Methods

And when you live like the average person, you get average results.

Look around. The average person isn’t thriving.

The average person is living paycheck to paycheck, with less than $1,000 in their bank account. They’re stressed, out of shape, exhausted, and constantly worrying about money.

They spend their free time escaping, binging Netflix, scrolling on their phone, looking forward to the weekend as if it’s their only chance to breathe.

That’s what balance creates.

Because when you put in average effort, you get average results.

And let’s be honest, being average in 2024 is not something to be proud of.

If you follow what the world tells you to do, you’ll get exactly what the world has, mediocrity.

The world isn’t set up to reward balance. It rewards winners.

The people who refuse to be average.

The ones who put in more effort, more focus, and more discipline than everyone else.

So if balance is a lie, then what actually works?

How To Actually Win (Without Burning Out)

If you want extreme success, you need extreme effort.

But that doesn’t mean killing yourself with stress or working 20 hours a day until you collapse.

It means shifting your mindset from "balance" to integration.

Your work and your life aren’t two separate things, they are part of the same mission.

The reason most people feel like they need balance is because they hate what they do.

They work at a job they can’t stand, waiting for Friday to feel free again. They count down the days until vacation. They live for retirement, hoping that someday, years from now, they’ll finally get to enjoy life.

That’s why they need "balance."

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Image Courtesy of Big Money Methods

Because their work is something they endure, not something they actually care about.

But when you love what you do, when your work is tied to a bigger mission, it stops feeling like a grind.

You don’t need balance when your work gives you energy instead of draining it.

That’s the real secret.

When your work is aligned with your purpose, it stops feeling like a sacrifice.

It becomes something you want to do more of.

And once that happens, you no longer need balance.

Because your work is your life.

How To Optimize Your Life For Extreme Success

Most people try to work less so they can “enjoy life” more.

That’s the wrong approach.

The key isn’t working less. The key is making work something you want to do more of.

Because the truth is, you’re going to have to work more than the average person if you want more than the average person has.

You can’t put in eight hours a day like everyone else and expect to be rich.

You can’t show up, do the bare minimum, and expect to dominate.

Extreme success requires extreme effort.

But here’s the trick, you don’t have to suffer through it.

You just have to structure your life in a way that makes working easier and more enjoyable than it is for everybody else.

So how do you do that?

First, stop thinking about work and life as two separate things. Your work is part of your life. If you separate the two, you’ll always feel like you’re being pulled in different directions.

Instead of trying to “balance” everything, think about how to integrate it all in a way that serves your bigger mission.

That means making deliberate choices about what actually matters.

Most people don’t have a time problem, they have a priority problem.

They waste hours every day on pointless distractions.

They binge-watch TV. They scroll social media. They play video games for hours. They go out drinking every weekend.

Then they complain that they “don’t have time” to build their business, hit the gym, or work on their goals.

Successful people cut the fat.

They don’t sacrifice their health.

They don’t sacrifice their family.

They sacrifice distractions.

If you have time to watch three hours of Netflix, you have time to build a six-figure business.

If you have time to scroll Instagram for an hour, you have time to learn a new skill that will make you money.

If you’re serious about success, the first step is to get rid of the unnecessary junk that’s stealing your time and attention.

Once you do that, you’ll have more energy to put into what actually matters.

Now, let’s talk about the people who are doing this right, and why it works.

The Proof Is In The Results

Every successful person you admire is unbalanced.

Michael Jordan wasn’t balanced. He was obsessed with winning. He trained harder than everybody else and demanded the same from his teammates.

Kobe Bryant wasn’t balanced either. He woke up at 4 AM to train before his team even got out of bed.

These guys didn’t take weekends off. They didn’t clock out at 5 PM to watch Netflix.

They lived and breathed their mission.

And because of that, they achieved things most people will never come close to.

But here’s the key, none of them felt like they were sacrificing their happiness.

They loved the process.

They weren’t working insane hours because they had to. They did it because they wanted to.

They built their entire lives around something they were passionate about.

That’s why it didn’t feel like a grind.

That’s why they didn’t need balance.

And if you structure your life the right way, you won’t need it either.

BMM Takeaway

Most people don’t need “work-life balance.” They need work-life alignment.

They need to stop separating work from life and start integrating their work into a bigger mission that actually excites them.

Because once you love what you do, you won’t be trying to escape it.

You won’t need to “unplug” every weekend. You won’t be counting down the days until retirement.

You’ll actually enjoy the grind.

And that’s when success stops feeling like an uphill battle…

And starts feeling like the only way to live.