What To Do If You REALLY Need $100 Right Now

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Make $100 With ChatGPT: Use ChatGPT to quickly generate 50 SEO-optimized, engaging articles on trending topics, and publish them on content platforms like Vocal Media to earn $100 through article bonuses and views.

  • Sell Google Business Optimization Services: Identify local businesses with incomplete Google Business Profiles, offer to optimize their profiles for $100, and potentially secure repeat business.

  • Rent Power Washing Equipment For 24 Hours: Rent power washing equipment, offer cleaning services to neighbors or local businesses, and earn at least $100 by charging for your services.

  • Sell Your Stuff: List and sell personal items such as furniture, gaming consoles, or rare collectibles on platforms like Facebook Marketplace for quick cash.

  • Host Your Parking Spot On Spot Hero: Rent out your parking space in high-demand areas using SpotHero to earn up to $25 an hour, reaching $100 in just a few hours.

Need $100 And Are Low On Time?

Do you need $100 like…immediately?

For all the broke dudes out there, we’ve got you.

These might not be the easiest or most fun ways to make money, but they’ll get you $100 as fast as possible.

A lot of people right now are doing gig work like DoorDash or Uber to make a few extra bucks.

But if you’re like most guys, you probably don’t want to get a second job just to make some extra cash.

Here are 5 ways you can make $100 today if you really need the money in 24 hours.

1. Make $100 With ChatGPT

To make $100 in 24 hours using ChatGPT to write articles, start by leveraging ChatGPT's ability to generate content quickly and efficiently.

First, create a prompt asking ChatGPT for popular article niches or topics with viral potential.

Then, choose a niche that resonates with you and request 50 article ideas from ChatGPT that consider SEO and include viral keywords to make titles intriguing.

Next, for each title, instruct ChatGPT to provide a 600-1000 word article, ensuring it's engaging and SEO-friendly with viral keywords.

This method allows for rapid content creation, aiming to complete 50 articles in a typical 8-hour workday, significantly reducing the time typically required for article writing.

To monetize these articles, publish them on a platform that rewards content creation, such as Vocal Media, which offers bonuses for publishing a certain number of articles (e.g., $75 bonus for 50 articles) and pays for views ($3.80 per 1000 views).

By efficiently producing and publishing 50 articles using ChatGPT, you can quickly reach the $100 mark within 24 hours while also setting up a foundation for passive income through the platform's pay-per-view model.

2. Sell Google Business Optimization Services

Search for a type of local business in Google like “landscaping near me” and look at the results.

If you find any results that have no information like phone number or business address, then that business probably doesn’t have their Google Business Profile set up correctly.

These are low hanging fruit leads that you can contact and offer to set it up for them for $100.

Learn the value of Google Business Profiles for local businesses, and explain how optimizing their profile can bring them more sales.

Call 50 businesses and at least 1 should agree to pay you $100 to fix their page for them.

Plus, this new client can likely turn into repeat business in the near future, leading to more money. Then just rinse and repeat to find more clients if you need more money.

3. Rent Power Washing Equipment For 24 Hours

A lot of guys make bank doing power washing around their neighborhood or block.

In fact, you can make an extra $2,000 a week just from power washing people’s homes.

And since you just need $100 in a day, you can simply rent the equipment from your local hardware store. Go in and ask which model to rent for cleaning residential house siding or sidewalks.

Renting the washer for a day will only be around $50, then you just need to charge someone $150 to power wash their driveway or siding.

Just make sure you first learn how to safely use the power washing equipment so you don’t damage anything.

4. Sell Your Stuff

It’s a bit sad to do, but hey man you’ve been in darker places. Sometimes you’ve gotta sell your stuff for some quick cash.

If you list items on Facebook Marketplace you can easily get a response from a local buyer within 24 hours. This is also a good opportunity to downsize if you’re moving anytime soon.

Good things to try selling would be lamps, lightly used furniture, gaming consoles, or exercise equipment.

You should also check your ancient ziplock bag of Pokemon cards to see if your 10 year old self was business-savvy enough to leave you a 1st edition holographic Charizard card (they’re worth $250k now).

5. Host Your Parking Spot On Spot Hero

If you live in a city and have a driveway or parking space in a heavily populated area, you can actually rent it out to people who need a space to park.

You can list your parking spot on SpotHero and they’ll advertise your spot to drivers nearby.

Then when the driver pays, you make all the money and SpotHero takes a commission.

If you live in a highly dense area you can charge up to $25 an hour to use your spot and make $100 in just 4 hours.

The BMM Takeaway

These methods can work great in a pinch and don’t require you to rob a bank or do anything illegal or immoral.

But if you’re looking for long term methods to consistently make $100 a day, we’d recommend doing something like #2 on the list, selling Google optimization services.

It’s something that’s more sustainable because it can end up creating more and more business for you with each client you get.

They’ll likely ask you for more work and also potentially refer you to their colleagues to hire you too.