How To Use The 1% Rule To Achieve Any Goal Faster

1% rule

Image Courtesy of BMM

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

The #1 Rule To Reach Your Goals Faster

The #1 rule to getting shit done only takes 1% of your effort.

That’s why it’s called The 1% Rule.

And it’s the secret to achieving your biggest goals seemingly effortlessly.

Instead of trying to make giant leaps or overnight successes, you narrow your vision on tiny, consistent improvements.

By getting just 1% better each day, you can achieve extraordinary results over time.

I’ll explain the science behind the 1% rule, how to implement it in your life, and real life examples to inspire you to do the same.

The Science Behind The 1% Rule

The 1% rule is all about leveraging the power of compounding.

Small, consistent improvements can lead to significant long term gains.

Think about it similarly to money.

The concept of compound interest is well known in wealth.

When you earn interest on your initial investment and then earn interest on that interest, your wealth grows exponentially.

The same principle applies to personal growth and improvement.

By making small, daily changes, you’re not just adding to your progress…you’re multiplying it.

Imagine improving just 1% each day.

Mathematically, this translates to multiplying your current capability by 1.01 each day.

Over a year, this compounding effect means you’ll be 37.78x better.

Or in other words, roughly 3,700% better than you were day 1. That’s like taking a bank account from $200 to $7,400.

Plus, studies in various fields, from athletics to business, demonstrate the effectiveness of incremental improvements.

Research by Professor Anders Ericsson, famous for the 10,000-hour rule, emphasizes deliberate practice.

This involves making small, focused improvements over time, which leads to mastery.

Another study from Harvard Business Review found that companies focusing on continuous improvement significantly outperformed their peers.

Consider professional athletes. They don’t become champions overnight.

Their success is the result of countless hours of practice, honing their skills one tiny bit at a time.

Similarly, in business, companies like Toyota have used the principle of continuous improvement, known as Kaizen, to dominate their industry.

In my own life, I’ve seen the power of the 1% rule.

Early in my fitness career, I was overwhelmed by the amount of progress I needed to make.

Instead of trying to overhaul my entire routine overnight, I focused on small, daily improvements.

Adding a few more reps, improving my diet bit by bit, and refining my technique.

Over time, these tiny changes compounded, leading to significant gains in strength, health, and overall success.

Implementing the 1% Rule in Your Life

First, pinpoint the areas of your life where you want to see progress.

Whether it’s your fitness, career, relationships, or personal development, choosing specific goals will help you focus your efforts.

For fitness, aim to add a few more reps to your workout each week or improve your diet with one healthier meal a day.

In your career, you could learn a new skill related to your job, network with one new person each week, or dedicate 15 minutes a day to expanding your network or building an online business.

For personal development, start a daily journaling habit, challenge yourself to say hi to more and more strangers each day, or practice a new hobby for 10 minutes daily.

Breaking down your larger goals into small, manageable tasks is essential.

The key is to make these tasks so small that they’re almost impossible to fail.

For example, if you want to get in shape, start with a goal of doing just five minutes of exercise a day. Once this becomes a habit, gradually increase the duration.

Consistency is the backbone of the 1% rule.

The 1% effort makes the consistency (which is often the hardest to maintain) easier to maintain.

Establish a daily routine that incorporates your tiny improvements. This might mean setting aside a specific time each day for your new habit.

For instance, if you’re working on fitness, exercise first thing in the morning to ensure it gets done.

Monitoring your progress is crucial for staying motivated.

Use a journal, an app, or a simple spreadsheet to track your daily improvements.

Seeing your growth, even if it’s small, can be incredibly encouraging and help you stay committed to your goals.

Habit stacking involves linking a new habit to an existing one.

This technique makes it easier to incorporate new behaviors into your routine.

For example, if you want to read more, place a book by your bed and commit to reading a few pages before sleeping.

Celebrate your small wins to keep motivation high. Rewards don’t have to be big, they can be as simple as a cheat meal or going out for dinner. Positive reinforcement helps solidify your new habits.

Combating Perfectionism

Perfectionism can hinder your progress. But the 1% rule is the cure for that.

Understand that making small, imperfect steps forward is better than waiting for the perfect moment.

Embrace the process and acknowledge that mistakes are part of growth.

Aim for continuous improvement rather than flawless execution.

You can also keep your goals visible to remind yourself of what you’re working towards.

Use sticky notes, vision boards, or digital reminders to keep your daily improvements top of mind.

Using the 1% Rule and the 10X Rule in Conjunction

Both the 1% Rule and Grant Cardone’s 10X Rule are powerful strategies for achieving success, but they approach goal setting and improvement from opposite angles.

Let’s explore these two methods, how they differ, and how you can use them in conjunction or choose the one that best fits your situation.


Grant Cardone’s 10X Rule: Massive Action for Massive Results

Grant Cardone’s 10X Rule is about setting goals that are ten times bigger than what you initially think is achievable and then taking massive action to achieve them.

This rule encourages you to think big and push beyond your perceived limits.

  • Approach: Advocates for setting ambitious, larger-than-life goals.

  • Mindset: Encourages boldness and an all-in attitude.

  • Action: Requires taking massive, often extraordinary, actions to achieve these big goals.

  • Benefit: Helps break through limitations and achieve goals that seem unattainable.

Using the 1% Rule and the 10X Rule in Conjunction

While these two approaches may seem contradictory, they can actually complement each other when used strategically.

Start with the 10X Rule to Set Your Vision

Begin by using the 10X Rule to set your overarching vision and ambitious goals.

Think about what you truly want to achieve and multiply that by ten.

This will help you break through any limiting beliefs and set a high bar for yourself.

  • Example: If your goal is to earn $100,000 in a year, apply the 10X Rule and set your goal to earn $1,000,000.

Use the 1% Rule to Build Daily Habits

Once you have your 10X goal, use the 1% Rule to make daily progress towards that goal.

Break down your massive goal into smaller, manageable tasks that you can work on every day.

This approach helps maintain momentum and prevents burnout from trying to tackle too much at once.

  • Example: If your 10X goal is to earn $1,000,000, identify the daily actions needed to get there, such as improving your skills, expanding your network, or increasing your productivity by 1% each day.

Depending on your current situation and mindset, one approach might be more suitable than the other. Here’s how to determine which strategy to use:

When to Use the 1% Rule

  • You’re Feeling Overwhelmed: If the thought of massive action is overwhelming, start with small, daily improvements.

  • Building New Habits: When you’re trying to establish new routines, the 1% Rule can help you make sustainable changes.

  • Long-Term Goals: For goals that require consistent effort over a long period, the 1% Rule is ideal.

When to Use the 10X Rule

  • Breaking Through Plateaus: If you’re stuck in your progress and need a push, the 10X Rule can help you think bigger and take bold actions.

  • High-Stakes Situations: When you need to achieve significant results quickly, massive action may be necessary.

  • Motivation Boost: If you’re lacking motivation, setting a huge goal can reignite your drive and passion.

The BMM Takeaway

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you’ll face obstacles.

Be flexible and ready to adapt your goals if needed.

If a particular strategy isn’t working, adjust your approach rather than giving up entirely.

The key is to keep making progress, no matter how small.

The 1% rule is a powerful mindset that can transform your approach to achieving big goals.

By focusing on tiny daily improvements, you harness the power of compounding to make significant progress over time.

Remember, it’s not about big leaps or doing things perfectly. Consistency is what makes champions.