To Get in the 1%, You Have to Do What the Other 99% Won’t

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Read More: If you choose to make money with your mind, you must make it as sharp as possible to maximize your income. If you learn more, you’ll earn more.

  • “What if I fail?” Don’t ask this question. Replace it with “What amount of effort must I put in to make failure impossible?”

  • Channel Your Power: All of your power lies in your ability to stay consistent. All progress comes from consistent action.

It’s really not hard to get ahead today.

Actually, I think it’s easier than ever.

Society is softer today. People want success, fulfillment, and better lives, but the average person is unwilling to make changes.

And that’s the key: If you want change, you must change.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

As someone who’s climbed from the depths of poverty to make millions of dollars and join the 1%, I know a thing or two about the journey.

So, what needs to happen? What changes need to occur? What must you do to break away from the majority of society and join the 1%?

I’m glad you asked. Let’s get into it.

You’ve Got to Read More

This tip is a non-negotiable.

You have to read more–A lot more.

And I’m not talking about reading Harry Potter or Star Wars space-magic crap. Read real books that will upgrade your mind and skillset.

Some people will read this and say, “Brandon, no, I don’t! I can learn from podcasts and YouTube videos.

Hey, Champ. That type of talk will keep you with 99% of society. It shows me your thinking pattern’s wired to look for corners to cut. That’s average-level thinking; average gets forgotten and will never become elite.

Cutting corners only cuts you off from the full growth you can experience.

A recent survey concluded that CEOs read 60 books per year. For the record, that’s five books per month.

How many books does the average American read per year? Twelve.

They spend their time (like you) listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos, where they fall victim to notifications and thumbnails, which only distract them.

No notifications will pop up from a book. So, reading books also cultivates your focus.

I read every day for 90 minutes. I break it up into two 45-minute sections.

Because–and this is important to remember–there are two ways to make money:

1. Physical Labor
2. Your Mind

Your body will decay over time. Especially if you’re doing hard physical labor like I was working for a moving company in New York City.

Plus, there’s a cap on how many hours you can work a physical labor job. Physical labor jobs are the perfect model for exchanging time for dollars. And as we know, there are only 24 hours in a day. So, there’s a cap on how much we can earn. 

Exchanging time for dollars will never make you rich.

So, the way into the 1% is to use your mind to get the money.

If you choose to make money with your mind, you must make it as sharp as possible to maximize your income.

If you learn more, you’ll earn more.

“What if I Fail?”

This question is something I hear from my students from time to time.

They come to me to learn how to build their online fitness businesses, and once they start, the excitement wears off, and reality sets in.

And, in theory, it’s a good question to ask. 80% of businesses fail.

Everyone asks this question, but here’s where 99% of people go wrong and where the 1% win.

Most people will ask, "What if I fail?” and then stay there mentally. They focus on failure, and their brains add thought after thought, strengthening the negative feelings surrounding that question.

This thinking will not only make their business fail; it’ll keep them in the 99% forever.

Here’s what the 1% do:

They also ask, “What if I fail?” Sometimes by choice, sometimes not, but they don’t stay there. Instead, the 1% replace the thought immediately, as quickly as possible, to alter their focus.

They know that what you focus on expands, and whatever you focus on, you’ll feel. So, the successful–the 1%--replace the question.

And this is what I tell my students:

Do simply ask, “What if I fail?”

Replace that question with: “What amount of effort do I need to put in to make failure impossible?”

Give your brain that question and let it do its thing.

When you ask that question to replace the former, you’re giving your brain a job. And it will come up with answers for you.

When you get those answers, take action and never stop.

Image by Big Money Methods

Channel Your Power

Consistency is undefeated.

All of your power lies in your ability to stay consistent. All progress comes from consistent action.

99% will say they’re “committed” to their goals. The second things don’t go their way, or they feel bad, they quit.

That isn’t commitment. That’s conditional. And it’s the opposite of consistency.

“You cannot buy or win happiness. You must choose it. Like any discipline, your attitude will not take care of itself. You need to attend to it daily.”

John Maxwell

Your consistency has to be as reliable as gravity.

Gravity doesn’t take days off. It doesn’t stop working because it doesn’t “feel” like it or no one validated its effort. Gravity is consistent.

You will have tough days. You will have days when you feel like crap, or you don’t want to get out of bed, or things don’t go your way.

So. What.

Even when you’re sad, be consistent.
Even when you’re in pain, be consistent.
Even when you’re tired, be consistent.
Even when you’re not motivated, be consistent.

Any chump can do what they’re supposed to when they feel great.

The champions of life–the 1%--do what they’re supposed to despite how they feel.

The BMM Takeaway

There’s no law requiring you to reach your full potential.

In fact, society wants you to stay in the 99%. If you stay with the majority, then you’ll stay dependent. You’ll keep your “place” as the wheel cog in this machine.

But let me ask you: Is that what you really want?

It’s cool if it is. You do you, bro.

But if you desire to be in the 1%, you’ve got to do what the majority won’t. It’s a fact of life at this point.

If you do what others do, you’ll have what others have.

So it comes down to what you want to have in life.

If you want success and a successful life, study what the successful do and implement their actions into your way of being. Make it habitual. Make it a standard. And don’t ever deviate.

That’s how you can join the 1% and, more importantly, realize your full potential.