This Is What Happens If You Take Cold Showers for 30 Days

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Cold As Ice: You’ve probably heard that cold showers have some impressive benefits. But what really happens when you take the plunge and commit to cold showers for 30 days straight?

  • Why Cold Showers Are So Popular: They’re so popular amongst athletes and professional health gurus simply because they work.

  • A Long List of Benefits: Cold showers provide many benefits, such as improving hair, skin, immunity, circulation, mood, energy levels, and mental toughness.

  • The Catch: It’s simple but not easy. They can be tough to stick with, especially in the beginning. The initial shock doesn’t go away completely, and it can be challenging to maintain the habit.

Cold As Ice

You’ve probably heard that cold showers have some impressive benefits—everything from boosting your energy to improving your mental toughness.

But what really happens when you take the plunge and commit to cold showers for 30 days straight? Does it help us, or is it a fad? Is it a waste of time?

Let’s break down what you can expect after a month of icy rinses and whether the cold really lives up to the hype.

Cold showers have gained popularity recently, with everyone from professional athletes to wellness gurus touting their benefits.

The idea is simple: expose your body to cold water, and you’ll experience a range of physical and mental benefits. But while the claims sound appealing, what really changes when you stick with it for 30 days?

Here’s what happens when you swap your steamy showers for something a bit more shocking.

1. You’ll Build Mental Toughness

There’s no denying it: stepping into a cold shower is uncomfortable. But that discomfort is exactly what builds mental resilience.

Over time, you’ll notice that your ability to handle difficult situations—whether they’re physical or mental—improves. Cold showers force you to embrace discomfort, which can translate into a stronger mindset in other areas of your life.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Increased Discipline: You’ll find it easier to push through challenges, not just in the shower but in your daily routine.

  • Improved Stress Tolerance: The ability to handle stress, both mentally and physically, increases as you condition yourself to withstand discomfort.

2. Boosted Circulation and Recovery

Cold water causes your blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, improving circulation. This increase in blood flow can enhance recovery after workouts and reduce muscle soreness. It’s one reason why athletes swear by cold plunges or cryotherapy after intense training sessions.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Reduced Muscle Soreness: If you’re active, you’ll likely notice that your muscles recover faster from workouts.

  • Better Circulation: Your body becomes more efficient at circulating blood, which can leave you feeling more energized and less fatigued throughout the day.

3. You’ll Feel More Energized

The initial shock of cold water can be a powerful wake-up call. Cold showers stimulate your nervous system, causing your heart rate to increase and sending a surge of adrenaline through your body. This jolt of energy can help you start your day feeling more alert and focused.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Sharper Focus: Mornings become easier, and you might find that your mental clarity improves.

  • Sustained Energy: Instead of relying on caffeine, cold showers give you a natural, sustained energy boost to kick off your day.

Cold showers take some getting used to, but the benefits can be extraordinary after 30 days.

4. Improved Skin and Hair Health

Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and irritated. Cold water, on the other hand, helps tighten your pores, reduce redness, and leave your skin feeling more refreshed. It can also strengthen hair by preventing it from becoming overly dry.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Healthier Skin: You’ll likely notice less irritation, especially if you’re prone to dryness or inflammation.

  • Stronger Hair: Cold showers can give your hair a shinier, smoother appearance by sealing the cuticles and reducing frizz.

5. Strengthened Immune System

Some studies suggest that cold showers can boost your immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells, which help fight off illnesses. Over time, this could lead to fewer colds and a generally more robust immune response.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Fewer Colds: You might find that your immune system is better equipped to handle seasonal changes or exposure to illness.

  • Faster Recovery from Illness: If you do get sick, cold showers may help your body recover more quickly.

6. Enhanced Mood and Reduced Anxiety

Cold showers stimulate the production of endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, which can improve your mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression. The shock of cold water can act as a mild stressor, encouraging your body to produce these natural mood-boosters.

What You’ll Notice After 30 Days:

  • Elevated Mood: You’ll feel a noticeable improvement in your mood, especially right after a cold shower.

  • Reduced Anxiety: The physiological effects of cold water can help regulate your stress levels, making you feel more balanced overall.

It’s not easy at the start. But with perseverance, your body will adapt to the cold.

The Catch: It’s Not All Easy

It’s important to acknowledge that cold showers are not a magical cure for everything.

They can be tough to stick with, especially in the beginning. The initial shock doesn’t go away completely, and it can be challenging to maintain the habit.

You may also find that cold showers aren’t ideal for every situation, such as when you’re already feeling particularly stressed or tired. However, if you can push through the discomfort, the benefits usually outweigh the temporary unease.

The BMM Takeaway

After 30 days of cold showers, you’ll experience a mix of physical and mental benefits—from improved recovery and circulation to better skin and hair.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll develop a stronger mental toughness that can help you tackle challenges in other areas of your life.

If you’re up for the challenge, give it a shot. Start by gradually lowering the temperature and increasing the length of your cold showers. Track the time you spend in the cold water. Do NOT go all in on this practice at once. Ease into it, making incremental progress.

You’ll not only reap the physical rewards but also strengthen your ability to push through discomfort—an essential skill in any aspect of life.