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  • These 5 Natural Foods Mimic Viagra And Can Help Make You A Sex God

These 5 Natural Foods Mimic Viagra And Can Help Make You A Sex God

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Image by Big Money Methods

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5 Natural Foods That Mimic Viagra

If you’re looking for ways to enhance your performance in the bedroom naturally, then you’re in the right place.

Forget about the overhyped supplements and sketchy gas station pills. They don’t work at all.

The latest research shows that certain natural foods can have a Viagra like effect on your body, helping you become a sex god without the side effects or dependancies.

Let’s dive into five powerful foods that can help you take your game to the next level, with the science to back it up.

1. Watermelon: Nature’s Viagra

Watermelon isn’t just a refreshing summer fruit; it’s actually one of the best natural foods to boost your bedroom performance.

Recent studies have shown that watermelon contains high levels of an amino acid called citrulline, which your body converts into arginine.

Arginine is an essential compound for the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps relax and dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow , much like how Viagra works.

The result? Better circulation and a potential improvement in erectile function. Watermelon is 92% water, so while it hydrates you, it also provides this performance enhancing effect. And while it may not work as instantly as Viagra, regularly incorporating it into your diet can help boost your sexual health over time.

2. Pomegranates: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Pomegranates are often referred to as a superfood, and there’s good reason for that. Not only are they packed with antioxidants, but studies have found that pomegranates can have a significant impact on sexual performance.

In one study, men who drank pomegranate juice daily experienced a 24% increase in testosterone levels and improved blood circulation, both of which are essential for sexual vitality.

Pomegranates have also been found to improve heart health, and anything that’s good for your heart is good for your sexual performance. It’s all about keeping the blood flowing, and the polyphenols in pomegranate help keep your blood vessels flexible and healthy.

3. Dark Chocolate: Boosts Dopamine and Libido

Good news for chocolate lovers , dark chocolate isn’t just a delicious treat, it’s also an effective way to spice up your sex life.

Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a compound known to trigger the release of endorphins and boost dopamine levels in the brain. This is the same chemical that the body releases when you’re in love, which creates feelings of excitement and well being, making you more receptive to sexual arousal.

Additionally, the flavonoids in dark chocolate can improve circulation by relaxing blood vessels, leading to better blood flow to all the right places. A little bit of dark chocolate every day could be the secret ingredient you need to increase your libido naturally.

4. Spinach: The Nitric Oxide Booster

Popeye might not have known this, but spinach is great for more than just muscles , it’s a powerful sexual health booster.

Spinach is high in magnesium, a mineral that helps reduce inflammation in blood vessels, leading to increased blood flow. More blood flow means improved erectile function and greater sexual stamina.

What makes spinach stand out is its ability to naturally increase levels of nitric oxide in the body, similar to the effects of Viagra.

Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation, making it easier to achieve and maintain erections. So, if you’re looking to boost your bedroom game, adding a spinach salad to your daily diet could make all the difference.

5. Beets: A Natural Viagra Substitute

Beets are packed with nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide, the same compound that helps improve blood flow and increase circulation to the penis.

Just like how Viagra works by increasing blood flow to help achieve and maintain an erection, beets work similarly through their high nitrate content. Nitrates help open blood vessels, improving circulation throughout the body, including where you need it most.

Drinking beet juice regularly or adding beets to your diet can help boost nitric oxide levels, making beets a powerful natural alternative for enhancing sexual performance.

Want The Instant Results Of Viagra?

It’s important to note that while these foods can mimic some of the effects of Viagra, they won’t give you instant results like the little blue pill.

That’s because Viagra works by forcibly inhibiting an enzyme called PDE5, which restricts blood flow out of the penis.

By blocking this enzyme, Viagra keeps the blood trapped in the penis, allowing you to maintain an erection longer.

The closest natural alternative to that effect would be foods that boost nitric oxide levels, like watermelon or beets, which can improve circulation and help with erectile function.

However, these foods take time to build up in your system, and their effects are more gradual.

If you really need the fast acting effects of Viagra, it’s still available as a prescription and can be obtained online from certified telehealth providers who can ship it straight to your door.

If You’re Under 30, You Probably Don’t Need Viagra

For most men under 30, using Viagra isn’t necessary.

Research shows that while younger men can experience erectile dysfunction (ED), the causes are often psychological rather than physical.

In fact, a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that up to 40% of men under 40 who reported experiencing ED were dealing with issues related to performance anxiety, stress, or relationship problems, rather than a physiological cause like aging or cardiovascular health.

Performance anxiety is one of the most common culprits. This happens when the pressure to "perform" in bed triggers feelings of stress, which in turn makes it difficult to maintain an erection.

Over time, this can lead to a vicious cycle where the fear of failure actually causes more performance issues.

The danger of using Viagra or other ED medications when you don't physically need them is the potential to develop a psychological dependency.

If you start relying on the pill to perform, it can become difficult to feel confident in your own natural abilities. This dependency can worsen performance anxiety over time, making it harder to perform without the medication.

How to smash the performance anxiety? 

Well, it’s easier said than done. But the best way is to simply accept that you have the anxiety, and actually appreciate that it’s there.

Tell your anxiety “thank you” for keeping you safe, and then learn to live with it.

Also, communication is key in this situation.

Whoever you’re hooking up with, whether she’s a one night stand or a girl you’ve been steadily dating, let her know what you’re dealing with.

It’s WAY better than not communicating and having her feel like she’s a hideous monster who can’t get your dick hard.

Still can’t smash your performance anxiety? Here’s a super effective hack you can use:

If you can get a prescription for viagra and your doctor clears you to take it, get it.

Take it the first time you’re with your girl, rock her world, and then don’t take it ever again.

Why? Because the viagra will simply be your backup plan. You’ll literally keep it in your back pocket, just in case you need it.

And now that your brain knows you have a backup plan that works, the anxiety will 100% disappear almost instantly.

This way you don’t develop a dependency on it, you strengthen your mind, and you prove to yourself that absolutely nothing is wrong with your manhood.

The BMM Takeaway

If you find yourself struggling with performance anxiety or occasional ED, addressing the root psychological causes through therapy, stress management, or even lifestyle changes can be more effective than jumping straight to medication.

However, if you truly have a medical need for Viagra, telehealth services have made it easier than ever to obtain a prescription discreetly.

Online doctors can evaluate your condition and have the medication shipped directly to your home, making the process convenient and private.

But in the meantime, try digging into that watermelon and boost your nitric oxide. It won’t be an instant fix, but it can definitely give you stronger erections in bed.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional or your doctor before making any changes to your diet, trying new supplements, or starting any medication, including Viagra or any similar products. Individual health needs vary, and a medical professional can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health conditions.