The Ultimate Guide to Starting and Monetizing Your Podcast

start a podcast

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

Podcasts Are Blowing Up (So Start Your Own)

If you already follow my Victory Talk Podcast, then you’ve got great taste in podcasts.

So why not start your own?

Podcasts are getting CRAZY popular in 2024.

Literally 59% of people listen to a podcast at least once a month.

And having your own highly popular podcast can make you a LOT of money.

Plus, it’s really not that hard to start your own.

You can even make one with just your phone using apps like Podcasters by Spotify.

But if you’re trying to build a podcast as baller as mine, here’s how to do it right:

Finding Your Podcast Niche and Voice

First thing’s first, you gotta find your perfect lane in the crowded podcast arena.

Success isn't about mimicking the big dogs like Joe Rogan or Gary Vee.

It's about carving your own path, a path paved with your unique voice and expertise.

Sure, you might be a fitness fanatic, but is there a specific niche within fitness that ignites your passion?

Maybe it's helping busy professionals squeeze in effective workouts, or guiding people with chronic conditions to exercise safely.

But what I really suggest is taking that niche interest and also researching some of the best podcasts for inspiration.

Look up trending keywords on TikTok and Instagram, and try to beat everyone else to a new topic that only you cover.

Crafting Your Unique Voice & Hook: The Secret Weapon You Didn't Know You Had

We all have a unique way of communicating, a certain energy that sets us apart.

THAT'S your voice, and it's your most powerful weapon.

Maybe you have a knack for weaving humor into complex topics. Perhaps you're a master storyteller who can bring historical events to life.

Whatever it is, lean into that. Your voice is the secret ingredient that keeps listeners hooked, not just for the content, but for the experience of YOU.

Brainstorming Killer Podcast Names: It's More Than Just a Label

Your podcast name is your brand, so choose wisely.

You want something that instantly sparks curiosity and reflects the essence of your show.

Think about using keywords relevant to your niche, but don't be afraid to get creative.

I decided to name my podcast Victory Talk to symbolize the types of topics we cover, including making money from an online business, building more muscle, rejecting thots, and developing a baller mindset.

Gear Up for Victory: Essential Podcasting Equipment (Without Breaking the Bank)

Let's be honest, creating a studio-quality podcast doesn't require a Hollywood budget.

Sure, those fancy setups with multiple microphones and soundproof booths are nice, but they're not essential for launching a killer show.

You probably already own most of the basic gear you need.

A decent quality microphone is crucial, but you don't need to drop a fortune.

USB microphones offer a fantastic balance between affordability and recording quality.

Popular options include the Blue Yeti or the Audio-Technica AT2020, both deliver crisp audio without burning a hole in your wallet.

Keep in mind though if you go for the nicer Audio Technica microphone you’ll also need to buy a interface to connect the mic to your computer.

The cheapest and best one that everyone has is 100% the focusrite scarlet interface.

And then when it comes to editing your podcast, you don't necessarily need a professional suite to create a polished podcast.

Free options like Audacity can do all the basics for you, like trimming audio, removing background noise, and even EQ and special effects if you want.

Content is King: Crafting Compelling Podcast Episodes That Captivate Your Audience

While selecting a topic is the first step, the real magic lies in establishing a compelling core concept that captures and retains attention.

Envision a unique angle or question that each episode tackles, or a novel format that breaks from the conventional, something that sparks curiosity at first mention.

A prime example is the podcast "Am I the Asshole?" where you can always expect a drama packed situation to hear about in each episode.

It’s also highly consistent, each episode people tune in because they love the concept.

If you haven’t heard “Am I The Asshole”, they basically read reddit posts where people ask the internet if they’re an asshole for doing something in some situation.

Craft Compelling Narratives:

People are drawn to stories more than mere facts; stories evoke emotions and foster connections.

Even in topics that might initially seem basic, integrating real-life anecdotes (especially from listeners) can dramatically enhance engagement.

Structuring episodes around fresh, personal stories invites listeners to navigate complex social scenarios, captivates them, and personalizes the experience, fostering strong, ongoing engagement.

Spark Conversation and Controversy (the Good Kind):

Engagement thrives on interaction.

Design your episodes to provoke thought and debate, presenting questions or scenarios that challenge conventional views and stimulate discussion.

Aim for constructive controversy though…content that encourages listeners to think and respond rather than fostering negativity.

A good example of this would be when I promote my Thot Repellent on the podcast. We’re just joking around, but it does raise a good discussion too.

When it comes to Victory Talk, my style is all about helping people. And this would be a great format for you to use as well.

I teach people how to obtain the same lifestyle I’m living through digital marketing and building an online business.

So on the podcast I explain in detail all of my business strategies, wealth generation tips, and more, but also include plenty of comedy to keep listeners engaged. We like to goof around.

Putting Your Podcast On Platforms: The Easy Way

First off, you gotta find a place to store your podcast, like a digital vault for your audio gold.

These podcast hosting services do all the fancy footwork behind the scenes, and some even have this magic trick called "one-click publishing."

You can use services like Transistor to upload your podcast to all platforms at once, saving you a ton of time.

But the easiest way is definitely to just start with Spotify’s app:

Spotify's Podcasters App lets you submit your show manually. Here's how it works:

  1. Head over to and sign in with your Spotify account. This is where you'll claim your podcast and become the official broadcaster.

  2. Find the "Your Shows" Section: Once you're logged in, navigate to the area where you manage your podcasts (it might be called "Your Shows" or something similar).

  3. Click the "Add a Podcast" Button: This will kick-off the claiming process.

  4. Enter Your RSS Feed URL: Here's the key part. Remember that RSS feed we talked about? You'll need to copy the URL from your podcast hosting platform and paste it into Spotify's app. This URL acts like the address to your podcast's online home.

  5. Verify and Claim Ownership: Once you enter the URL, Spotify will send a verification email to the address listed in your RSS feed. Just follow the instructions, and voila! You've claimed your podcast on Spotify.

Bonus Tip: While you're in the Podcasters App, you can also edit your show's details, upload artwork, and even track listener stats. Pretty neat, huh?

Monetizing Your Podcast

You probably want to know how to use your awesome new podcast to make money, right?

Luckily, podcasts make a TON of money when run correctly.

Here are the most common and effective ways to monetize your podcast:

1. Sponsorships

Securing sponsorships is one of the most direct ways to monetize a podcast.

To attract sponsors, it's essential to have a solid listener base and a clear understanding of your audience's demographics. I’d shoot for at least 5k to 10k listeners per episode.

Sponsors are looking for podcasts that align with their brand values and target market.

Start by reaching out to brands that are a good fit and pitch them on why your podcast represents a valuable advertising opportunity.

2. Listener Donations

Another method is through listener donations.

Platforms like Patreon allow podcasters to create a membership model where listeners can support their favorite shows by subscribing to exclusive content.

This could include bonus episodes, behind-the-scenes content, or merchandise.

It's all about giving your audience extra value that they are willing to pay for.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services on your podcast and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral links.

To make this work, choose affiliates that resonate with your audience and seamlessly integrate the promotions into your episodes.

The key here is authenticity…recommend products that you genuinely believe in and that add value to your listeners.

4. Selling Merchandise

Creating and selling branded merchandise can be a great way to earn money while also promoting your podcast brand.

From T-shirts and hats to mugs and stickers, merchandise can be a fun way for listeners to show their support. Printify makes this pretty easy.

Make sure the designs reflect your podcast’s identity and appeal to your audience.

5. Offering Paid Content

Finally, consider offering paid content such as workshops, ebooks, or courses related to your podcast’s theme.

For example, if your podcast is about digital marketing, you might offer a detailed course on SEO or social media strategies.

This not only helps monetize your expertise but also strengthens your position as an authority in the field.

Filmed Podcasting on YouTube - The Winning Formula

Anyone can make a podcast and throw it up on platforms…but how do you get listeners?

Well, first thing’s first, consistent and good content is the answer.

But what about if you have great content and still not getting listeners?

I’d suggest filming your podcast and using YouTube as a traffic source to fuel new listeners.

YouTube is not just a video platform… it’s a search engine giant. 

By filming your podcast, you’re tapping into a whole new audience actively looking for content in your niche.

Imagine someone searching for "fitness tips" and finding your video podcast episode…it’s a direct line to new listeners.

It also puts a face to a voice, which aids in your personal branding.

Your audience gets to see the passion in your eyes, your energy, and that killer smile of yours.

It’s about building trust, strengthening your brand recognition, and becoming more relatable.

Not to mention, the engagement tools on YouTube will offer a huge boost in engagement.

With comments, likes, and live chat during recordings, you’re not just broadcasting, you’re fully interacting, like a live show host.

This level of engagement lets you cultivate a stronger, more loyal community around your podcast.

The BMM Takeaway

It took Alex Hormozi 5 years to get his podcast to finally “pop”.

So if you do decide to start your own, keep at it.

It will not get popular within 1 month. Probably not within 3-6 months either honestly.

My advice? Make sure it’s fun.

If you have a good time on your podcast and it isn’t “work” to you, you’ll record 2x as many episodes 2x as consistently.

Then you can start getting listeners without even trying. That’s the real secret.