The Only 2 Exercises You Need For Rear Delts

rear delt

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

The Secret To Growing Your Real Delts

For a well-rounded and visually striking upper body, the development of rear deltoids is essential.

These relatively small muscles, located at the back of the shoulders, are crucial not only for aesthetic balance but also for functional strength and shoulder health.

And focusing on just two tried-and-true exercises can lead to significant rear delt development, simplifying your training regimen while maximizing results.

Why Develop The Rear Delts?

The rear delts play a pivotal role in various shoulder movements, including horizontal abduction, external rotation, and transverse extension.

They are vital for maintaining proper shoulder alignment and stability, which is essential for both everyday activities and athletic performance.

Well-developed rear delts also help prevent common shoulder injuries by supporting balance in the shoulder joint, countering the often overdeveloped front deltoids from exercises like presses and front raises.

So, we should use isolation exercises to grow such a small muscle group, right?

Actually, while isolation exercises do target the rear delts, they often do not engage these muscles as effectively as compound movements that recruit multiple muscle groups.

Compound exercises promote a more robust hormonal response and can lead to greater overall muscle development, including the rear delts.

#1 - The Seated Cable Row or Bent-Over Barbell Row

cable row

Image Courtesy Of Muscle And Strength

The seated cable row and bent-over barbell row are foundational exercises in both back and shoulder training, known for their extensive benefits to the rear deltoids:

These exercises are also compound movements that simultaneously engage multiple muscle groups, including the rear deltoids, latissimus dorsi (lats), trapezius (traps), and biceps.

This synergistic muscle activation not only fosters significant muscle growth but also enhances overall back strength and improves posture.

To maximize the engagement of the rear deltoids during these exercises, it’s important to focus on the technique…particularly on pulling with the elbows and squeezing the shoulder blades together at the end of the movement.

This intentional adjustment in form helps to target the rear delts more directly, ensuring that they are actively involved throughout the exercise.

  • Reps: Aim for 8-12 repetitions per set. This range is ideal for muscle growth as it balances the intensity and volume, promoting muscle fatigue and subsequent growth.

  • Sets: Perform 3-4 sets of each exercise. This amount helps provide enough stimulus for muscle growth without causing excessive fatigue.

#2 - Face Pulls with Variations

face pulls

Image Courtesy Of Fitness Volt

Face pulls are a highly effective exercise for specifically targeting the rear deltoids, primarily due to their role in external rotation and horizontal abduction movements.

This exercise is designed to emphasize these movements, ensuring that the rear deltoids are engaged thoroughly and effectively throughout each rep.

One of the key benefits of face pulls is the ability to modify the exercise to suit different training needs and goals.

By using various attachments, such as ropes or resistance bands, you can slightly alter the mechanics of the movement.

Additionally, adjusting your grip, like switching between a neutral grip and a thumbs up grip, can change the focus and intensity of the muscle engagement.

This variability not only prevents training monotony but also ensures that all parts of the rear delts are worked, promoting balanced and comprehensive muscle development.

Such adjustments make face pulls an adaptable exercise that can be tailored to enhance muscle activation and address specific weaknesses or imbalances in the shoulder area.

  • Reps: Typically, 10-15 repetitions per set work well for hypertrophy. This range strikes a balance between using moderate weights and achieving sufficient volume to induce muscle growth.

  • Sets: Perform 3-4 sets. This volume is enough to stimulate growth in the rear deltoids without leading to overtraining.

The BMM Takeaway

To maximize the effectiveness of rear delt exercises, consider adopting several strategies.

Firstly, commit to regular training and continuously challenge your muscles by increasing the weight or resistance, as this is crucial for muscle growth.

Secondly, focus on the mind-muscle connection by actively feeling the rear delts work throughout each exercise; this conscious engagement enhances muscle activation and the overall effectiveness of the workout.

Lastly, ensure adequate recovery and proper nutrition, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. Make sure your diet includes sufficient protein and calories to support your training goals.