The 5 Best Benefits of Creatine and Why Men Should Take It

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the world.

Creatine is a molecule produced in the body from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. It's primarily made in the liver and (to a lesser extent) in the kidneys and pancreas. Creatine stores high-energy phosphate groups in the form of phosphocreatine. These phosphate groups are donated to ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) to regenerate it to ATP, the primary energy carrier in the body.

Creatine’s role in energy production is particularly relevant under conditions of high energy demand, such as intense physical or mental activity.

But is creatine safe? And what benefits does creatine provide?

The short answer is yes. Creatine is safe, and it occurs naturally in foods. Creatine can be found in some animal-based foods and is most prevalent in meat and fish. Athletes commonly take it as a powder or in capsules.

Let’s break down the five benefits of creatine and why you should take it for gains, performance, and health.

1. Creatine Helps Muscle Cells Produce More Energy

Creatine supplements increase phosphocreatine stores in muscles.

In turn, phosphocreatine aids in forming adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the critical molecule that cells use for energy and all the essential functions of life.

During exercise, ATP breaks down to produce energy.

ATP's resynthesis rate limits its ability to continuously perform at maximum intensity, as it uses it faster than it produces.

Creatine supplements increase our phosphocreatine stores, allowing you to produce more ATP energy to fuel your muscles during high-intensity exercise.
This is the primary mechanism behind creatine's performance-enhancing effects.

2. Creatine Accelerates Muscle Growth

Creatine is the most effective supplement in the world to add muscle mass.

Taking it for 5 to 7 days has significantly increased lean body weight and muscle size. Increases in the water content of the muscles cause this initial increase.

In the long term, it also aids muscle fiber growth by pointing out key biological pathways and increasing gym performance.

In a 6-week training regimen study, participants who used creatine added 4.4 pounds (2 kg) more muscle mass, on average, than the control group.

Similarly, a comprehensive review showed an apparent increase in muscle mass among those taking creatine compared to those taking the same training regimen without creatine.

This review also compared the most popular sports supplements worldwide and concluded that creatine is the best available.

It’s affordable, incredibly safe, and backed by science.

3. Creatine Improves Performance in High-Intensity Exercises

Creatine's direct role in ATP production means it can dramatically improve performance in high-intensity exercise.

Creatine improves several factors, such as:

  • Force

  • Ballistics

  • Sprint (improves acceleration efforts)

  • Muscular endurance

  • Fatigue resistance

  • Muscle recovery

  • Brain performance

Creatine is not only meant for advanced athletes, given that creatine itself benefits your performance regardless of your physical condition. Studies and measurements found that it improves performance in high-intensity exercises by up to 15%.

4. Creatine Reduces Fatigue, Tiredness, and Improves Brain Function

Creatine supplements can also reduce fatigue and tiredness.

In a 6-month study of people with head injury who supplemented with creatine, they experienced a 50% reduction in dizziness compared to those who did not supplement. The reduced dizziness shows that creatine increases brain function.

Furthermore, only 10% of patients in the supplement group experienced fatigue, compared to 80% in the control group.

Another study found that creatine reduced fatigue and increased energy levels during sleep deprivation.

Creatine has also reduced fatigue in athletes who perform a cycling test and has been used to decrease fatigue when exercising at high temperatures.

In summary, creatine increases brain and body function during high stress and demand.

5. Creatine Helps Combat Several Neurological Diseases

A critical factor in various neurological diseases is the reduction of phosphocreatine in the brain.

Since creatine can increase these levels, it can help reduce or slow the progression of the disease.

Some research suggests that taking creatine supplements may also treat other diseases, including:

  • Alzheimer disease

  • Ischemic stroke

  • Epilepsy

  • Brain or spinal cord injuries

Creatine has also shown benefits against lateral sclerosis (ALS) amyotrophy, a disease affecting motor neurons essential for movement. It improved motor function, reduced muscle loss, and increased survival by 17%.

Although more human studies are needed, some researchers believe that creatine supplements may serve as a defense against neurological diseases when used in conjunction with conventional medications.

The BMM Takeaway

Creatine is an effective supplement with powerful benefits for sports performance and health.

It can increase brain function, fight certain neurological diseases, improve exercise performance, and accelerate muscle growth.

Along with the various benefits of creatine, it is one of the cheapest and safest sports supplements available.

Scientists have been researching creatine since its initial discovery in 1832, and numerous studies support its safety for long-term use. Clinical trials lasting up to 5 years report no adverse effects in healthy individuals.

In addition, supplementation is very easy. Its consumption of 3 to 5 grams of creatine monohydrate powder per day is generally recommended.

And remember, you can’t take creatine one time and expect these benefits. The perks aren’t instant. Creatine builds up in your system and body over time.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Creatine is safe to have. In fact, it naturally occurs in many foods.

  • Creatine helps muscles produce more energy.

  • Creatine accelerates muscle growth by aiding in performance and recovery.

  • Creatine drastically reduces fatigue.

  • Creatine also helps with brain function and can combat neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.

  • Stick with creatine monohydrate for best results.

  • Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplements in history.