Most Valuable AI-Proof Skills to Coexist with An AI Future

Image by Big Money Methods

A lot of people are worried that AI will replace them in their line of work.

And it’s for good reason.

A decade ago when people thought of AI replacing careers, they thought mostly of robot assembly line workers packing things into boxes.

But now we’re starting to see AI replace jobs in journalism, web development, graphic design, coding, and finance too.

However, there are some skills that AI can’t replace, and can potentially make you a lot of money.

There are also ways to leverage AI and make 2x as much money.

So instead of sulking about AI coming to take your job, start learning some of these AI-proof skills while you also leverage the computing power of AI to work even faster.

AI’s Strengths - Avoid Careers In These

AI is highly proficient with all sorts of repetitive tasks involving data, statistics, coding, and research.

But now we’re starting to see AI create images from simple text prompts, as well as AI videos, AI music, and more.

It reminds me of this anime Carol And Tuesday where they’re in the future and all of the best pop artists use AI to create “perfect songs” for them.

These are some of AI’s greatest strengths, so try to avoid any career that centers around these skills:

  1. Data Mastery: AI's ability to process and analyze vast datasets has revolutionized industries. For instance, in finance, algorithms can predict market trends with a significant degree of accuracy, leading to smarter investments. In the realm of health and fitness, AI-driven apps provide personalized workout and nutrition plans based on user data, improving outcomes.

  2. Automation and Efficiency: AI excels at taking over repetitive tasks. In customer service, chatbots handle inquiries with increasing sophistication, saving companies millions and allowing human employees to focus on complex issues. This shift not only cuts costs but also opens up new roles focused on AI management and strategy.

  3. Forecasting the Future: Predictive analytics, powered by AI, is a game-changer for marketing and supply chain management. By analyzing past consumer behavior, AI can forecast future trends, enabling companies to stay ahead of the curve. This precision in prediction can lead to significant cost savings and revenue generation.

Skills That AI Can’t Touch

So what are some of the best hard and soft skills to learn that will put AI in its place for the foreseeable future?

Here are a few skills and specialties that are safe bets to AI-proof your future career:

  1. Creativity:

    • If you’re a creative type, embrace it and strengthen your creative skills as much as you can. AI can technically write songs, poems, and books, but let’s face it. They all suck. If you can write and create amazing content, you’ll always be in demand amidst a dry and boring AI content filled world.

    • If you’re a good writer, try getting into blog writing. A successful blog with at around 5,000-10,000 monthly visitors can easily bring in $1,000s in affiliate commissions from ads placed on your blog.

    • If you’re a graphic design artist, try freelance work on platforms like Fiverr. The ability to have an artist create a design right the first time compared to struggling with AI prompts will always be highly sought after.


  2. Health and Fitness Innovation:

    • The fitness industry is evolving with AI's help, from personalized workout apps to nutrition trackers. However, the human element of personal trainers, wellness coaches, and physiotherapists can not be replaced.

    • These professionals apply human intuition, empathy, and motivational skills to help clients achieve their fitness goals, addressing physical and psychological barriers that AI cannot comprehend.

    • Innovators in fitness who leverage AI to enhance personalized training programs while incorporating the latest in nutrition science and psychological motivation techniques are redefining what it means to be fit, often earning upwards of $100,000+, depending on their expertise and clientele.

  3. Entrepreneurial Mindset:

    • AI is reshaping industries, but the entrepreneurial drive to identify opportunities, take risks, and innovate solutions remains a deeply human trait.

    • Entrepreneurs are always trying to solve new problems and provide their solutions to millions of people to make money. This is how we get ever evolving productivity software solutions, easier user interfaces based on human feedback, and other things that make our lives easier.

    • A hungry entrepreneur will also work tirelessly to build a team, find work, and get work done. Having leadership ability and a drive for success is something AI cannot replace.

  4. Creative Problem Solving:

    • Beyond the capacity for logical analysis, the ability to approach problems creatively is a skill that AI cannot replicate.

    • In roles that require innovation, from product development to marketing strategies, creative problem solvers who can think outside the box drive progress. This skill is especially valuable in dynamic industries where traditional solutions fall short.

    • Professionals known for their creative problem-solving abilities can command salaries that reflect their capacity to generate unique value, often exceeding industry averages.

“Adapt Or Die”How To Leverage AI To Make More Money

In the realm of enhancing productivity, Artificial Intelligence (AI) not only streamlines existing processes but also revolutionizes areas like content creation and decision-making.

By harnessing AI's capabilities, individuals and businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency and creativity, from automating routine tasks to generating innovative content and making smarter decisions.

  • Accelerated Learning: You can use AI to learn subjects 5x faster. A good example is to simply download entire YouTube videos on subjects you want to learn, transcribe them using a free service like, then ask ChatGPT to give you key takeaways in bullet form. This way you can learn the key concepts and details of 6 hours of content in 10 minutes.

  • Automated Content Generation: AI tools are transforming the content creation landscape by generating written content, graphics, and even video. For bloggers, marketers, and social media influencers, this means producing high-quality, engaging content at a significantly faster rate. AI can draft initial versions of articles, create visually appealing graphics, and suggest edits to enhance readability and engagement, allowing creators to focus on strategy and personalization.

  • Faster Grunt Work: Quickly scanning a document for grammatical errors, capitalizing the first letter of every word in a list, or scouring the internet for facts is the best way to use AI like ChatGPT. If you upgrade to GPT4, a really good way to save time is to tell it to research a website for you, scanning every page and telling you all about what they do.

  • Data-Driven Insights: AI excels in analyzing vast amounts of data to uncover insights that might not be immediately obvious. In business, this can guide strategic decisions such as market entry, product development, and customer targeting. By identifying patterns and predicting trends, AI enables businesses to make informed decisions quickly, staying ahead of competitors and better meeting consumer needs.

  • Optimizing Workflows and Processes: AI's ability to analyze operational data can highlight inefficiencies and suggest optimizations. Whether it's streamlining a production line or improving the user experience on a website, AI's insights can lead to significant time and cost savings, enhancing overall productivity.

The BMM Takeaway

I do a lot of freelance copywriting on platforms like Fiverr, and for a while during the advent of ChatGPT I saw my sales plummet into nothing.

I basically saw my career fizzling away in front of my eyes, thinking that AI would replace writers for good.

But I was sooooo wrong.

After a few months, I began getting orders again. It seemed that people were actually realizing just how bad AI generated content was.

I’m just hoping things stay that way for the foreseeable future.

As for now, I use AI primarily as a research tool.

It helps me learn about subjects at lightning speeds so I can begin writing faster.

I’ll even use it to decipher an embarrassingly scatterbrained client brief every now and then by asking, “what the hell does this guy want from me?” and ChatGPT will break it down into bullets.

Try to do the same by embracing and leveraging AI to make your life easier, while also strengthening the skills that AI can’t touch. That’s how you AI-proof your career.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • AI's Impact on Careers: AI excels in data analysis, repetitive tasks, and even creative fields like content creation, posing challenges for jobs in these areas.

  • AI-Proof Skills: Creativity, health and fitness innovation, entrepreneurial mindset, and creative problem-solving are key areas where human skills surpass AI, offering lucrative career opportunities.

  • Leverage AI for Gain: Use AI to enhance productivity, accelerate learning, automate content generation, and derive data-driven insights for smarter decision-making.

  • Personal Experience Insight: Despite initial fears, the demand for high-quality, human-created content remains strong, as exemplified by a freelance copywriter's resurgence in orders after a decline due to AI-generated content's initial popularity.

  • Strategy for Future-Proofing: Embrace and leverage AI for efficiency and learning while focusing on developing and enhancing skills that AI cannot replicate to secure and advance your career.