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  • How To Use "The Chaos Advantage" To Ethically Make Money In Uncertain Times

How To Use "The Chaos Advantage" To Ethically Make Money In Uncertain Times

chaos advantage

Image Courtesy of BMM

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

Embracing Unpredictability to Outmaneuver Your Competition

In times of instability, money making opportunities are everywhere…if you know how to spot and use them to your advantage.

The key is to turn unpredictability into profit, while leaving your competition scrambling to keep up.

This is what I call “The Chaos Advantage”. And it’s more than just a really good name for a band (that no one has claimed yet).

And as long as you do this ethically, you can make huge money while everyone else is scrambling.

Let’s break it down into actionable steps. Here’s how to leverage chaos to make money.

Step 1: Identify Market Gaps Created by Chaos

Chaos creates gaps, areas where the market isn’t delivering or where consumer needs aren’t being met.

It’s in these gaps that real money is made. So, when the market is in turmoil or a disruptive event happens, your first move is to analyze where the cracks are.

Here’s how to find them:

  1. Look for the Breakdown in Service or Supply
    During times of chaos, there’s always a breakdown in traditional supply chains, services, or products.

    For example, during the pandemic, restaurants were forced to shut down, but that led to an explosion in delivery services and meal kits. Those businesses saw the gap and filled it.

    So when chaos strikes, track what’s no longer available or functioning and think about how you can fill that need.

    It could be a product that’s hard to source, a service that’s been interrupted, or even a new way to deliver an existing product.

    A lot of distilleries made their own hand sanitizer and sold it in times of need for an extra buck. Maybe you could learn how to make toilet paper?

  2. Spot Changing Consumer Behaviors
    Chaos changes how people behave, what they buy, how they buy, and what they prioritize.

    Stay ahead by studying these shifts. For instance, the rise of remote work during the pandemic created massive opportunities for businesses that catered to home office setups, virtual services, and tech solutions for remote workers.

    Follow trends on social media and news platforms during chaotic times. What are people talking about? What are their new pain points? When a disruption happens, listen to what consumers are frustrated with, and that’s where you strike.

  1. Step Into Industries that Are Slow to Adapt
    Some industries move too slow in the face of chaos. That’s where you come in. The businesses that survive are the ones that adapt quickly, while those that hold onto “how things have always been done” get left behind.

    Look for industries that are resistant to change, and introduce innovation. This could be through new technology, automation, or simply a more efficient process.

Pick an industry that’s struggling to keep up, and find a way to streamline processes or introduce a faster, tech-savvy solution. You’ll be ahead of the game while your competition is stuck in the past.

Step 2: Become the Solution Provider

Once you’ve found the gaps, position yourself as the solution. In chaos, people are willing to pay for the person or business that can give them what they need, when they need it.

There are 3 pillars of chaos that make people buy like crazy; speed, simplicity, and scarcity.

Here are all 3 explained as well as a business idea you could try for each.

  1. Speed: Same-Hour IT Help Business for Remote Workers

With so many people working from home, especially during chaotic times like a pandemic, tech issues can cause major disruptions. Offering a same hour IT help service that provides immediate tech support can save the day for remote workers facing urgent problems.

  • How it works: As remote work continues to grow, tech issues like broken Wi-Fi connections, software malfunctions, or hardware problems become critical roadblocks for productivity.

    You can set up a business that offers same hour IT support, either virtually or by sending technicians to clients’ homes. This way, people won’t have to wait days for tech support while their work piles up.

  • Why it works: People will pay for speed and reliability when their livelihoods depend on it. In chaotic times, a few hours of downtime can mean missed deadlines or lost revenue, and remote workers often don’t have the resources to troubleshoot their own problems.

    A fast, reliable solution means you can charge a premium for getting them back online quickly, reducing their stress and keeping their work on track.

  1. Simplicity: Offer Ready Made Subscription Boxes for Convenience

People crave simplicity during chaos, especially when their routines are disrupted. You can create and sell ready-made subscription boxes that offer convenience and address specific needs without them having to think.

This could be anything from meal kits to a box full of board games for when people need to wait out storms without electricity.

The biggest players who take advantage of this during the pandemic were delivery services like DoorDash. People didn’t want to risk going into the grocery store, so most ordered groceries to their house.

This then helped spark the advent of subscription boxes even more, since people liked the idea so much and decided to get everything delivered on a monthly basis.

  • Why it works: People love convenience, and in times of chaos, they want everything in one place without extra steps. A simple, recurring delivery service taps into their need for ease and familiarity, and it’s a hassle-free way to provide ongoing value.

  1. Scarcity: Offer AI Consulting as Chaos Creates Demand for Expertise

The rise of AI has created chaos in various industries because people don’t fully understand how to use it, what tools are available, or how to implement it into their business.

This is where you can step in as an AI consultant, offering clarity in the midst of confusion and positioning yourself as a scarce, in-demand resource.

  • How it works: Many businesses are scrambling to figure out how to integrate AI into their workflows. By positioning yourself as an AI expert, you can provide personalized consultations on how to best use AI tools for different needs, whether it’s automation, data analysis, or content creation.

    Make yourself available for limited, high-value consultations and promote it as a scarce opportunity to get ahead while everyone else is lost in the chaos.

  • Why it works: Scarcity plays a major role in markets like AI, where misunderstanding and uncertainty reign. People know they need to act fast to stay competitive, but they don’t have the knowledge.

    By offering your expertise as a limited, exclusive service, you can command higher fees because your clients want to gain a competitive advantage before others figure it out. In chaotic fields like AI, where knowledge is fragmented, scarcity of expertise is what drives value.

While it’s true that chaos can be leveraged to create wealth and opportunity, it’s also the time when people cross legal lines, and pay the price.

One misstep and you could find yourself in a serious legal mess, with consequences that could destroy not only your business but your entire future.

Let’s look at a real-life example: a man from New Jersey was sentenced to 46 months in prison for orchestrating a $2 million COVID-19 fraud scheme.

Gif by snowfallfx

In the midst of the pandemic, he promised to deliver 1.5 million in medical product to the City of New York. He convinced 10 people to send him a 10% deposit of over $700,000.

The problem? The gowns didn’t exist. Instead of delivering the promised protective equipment, he used the money for personal expenses.

Not only did he face prison time, but he also had to deal with three years of supervised release and a destroyed reputation.

What’s the lesson here? Don’t let chaos push you into unethical or illegal decisions.

During chaotic times, whether it’s a pandemic, financial crisis, or market upheaval, people become vulnerable.

Fear and uncertainty push people to make desperate decisions, and if you take advantage of that, you’re not just playing a dangerous game...you're inviting legal trouble.

How to Legally Leverage Chaos

So how do you ensure you're not crossing any lines? It comes down to ethics, transparency, and knowing the law.

  1. Stay Ethical
    No matter how chaotic things get, stick to ethical business practices. Offer real value, don’t make promises you can’t keep, never price gouge, and always stay transparent. This not only keeps you on the right side of the law, but it also builds trust with your customers and clients.

  2. Know the Regulations
    Before launching any new product or service, especially during disruptive times, make sure you know the legal regulations in your industry. This is particularly important if you’re dealing with products or services in high demand during a crisis, like medical supplies or financial services. Ignorance is not a defense in court, so educate yourself and stay within the legal framework.

  3. Be Transparent About What You Offer
    Never oversell or make promises you can’t deliver on. If there are delays or issues, be upfront with your clients. People appreciate honesty, especially during chaotic times. It’s better to tell someone you’re facing challenges than to promise them a product or service you can’t deliver.

  4. Keep Records
    Document everything. Whether it’s sales, agreements, or contracts, having a paper trail can save you if a legal issue arises. Keep receipts, emails, and signed documents for every transaction, and make sure your clients are on the same page.

The BMM Takeaway

Chaos is an opportunity, but only if you play it smart and legal. While unpredictable markets and crises can create gaps to make money, exploiting fear or cutting legal corners will only backfire.

And remember, chaos comes in different forms too.

People go through internal chaos when they can’t lose weight or gain muscle. So they come to me for a simple and scarce solution.

All in all, the best approach is to stay ethical, provide real value, and work within the legal framework.

You don’t need to manipulate people or break the rules to outmaneuver your competition, you just need to be faster, smarter, and ready to adapt. Leverage chaos to your advantage, but always keep your integrity intact.