How To Use AI To Create And Optimize Your Workouts

ai workouts

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • The Best Alternative To A Personal Trainer: AI fitness apps can personalize training programs based on individual goals and available resources, acting as an affordable alternative to personal trainers.

  • How AI Fitness Apps Work: These apps analyze user data and global workout trends to create personalized, adaptive workout plans, providing real-time feedback to enhance form and prevent injuries.

  • What Are The Benefits Of AI Training?: AI offers exercise variation, injury prevention, and plateau monitoring, with additional benefits from gamification and social media integration for enhanced motivation and engagement.

  • Wearables and AI: The Ultimate Fitness Power Couple: Pairing AI fitness apps with wearable technology provides comprehensive, real-time biometric tracking for a more personalized and efficient workout experience.

The Best Alternative To A Personal Trainer

A lot of guys have the same problem in the gym.

They’re determined enough to show up and go hard but they’re clueless as to which exercises they should be doing.

Or they’ve been fed false information from the countless fitness gurus on YouTube.

Obviously the best solution would be a personal trainer.

But what if you could just use AI instead?

Imagine a personalized training program that tailors exercises to your specific goals, whether it's building muscle, improving endurance, or burning fat.

AI fitness apps use sophisticated algorithms to analyze your data, including fitness level, equipment availability, and even your social media posts about fitness goals to create customized workout plans that are both effective and engaging.

How AI Fitness Apps Work

AI fitness apps take a data-driven approach to your workouts, essentially acting like your own pocket-sized personal trainer.

One example is Fitbod. This app utilizes a sophisticated AI algorithm to create personalized workout plans based on your goals, equipment availability, and experience level.

With apps like these, you can get even real-time feedback on your exercise form through visual cues and text instructions, helping you avoid injuries and maximize results.

But the real beauty of AI fitness apps lies in their ability to leverage the power of data.

These apps analyze information from millions of workouts performed by users around the globe.

This vast dataset allows the AI to identify patterns and trends, essentially learning what exercises are most effective for achieving specific goals based on real-world user data.

Once the app understands your goals and fitness level, it gets to work crafting a personalized workout plan.

This plan will be unique to you and will consider factors like your available equipment (whether you prefer to train at home or at the gym) and any limitations you might have (previous injuries, for example).

Let's say your goal is to build muscle mass and you primarily train at home with limited equipment. The AI might create a workout plan that incorporates bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups, along with creative uses of household items like resistance bands and furniture (think dips on a sturdy chair).

By constantly analyzing your performance data (sets, reps, weight lifted), the AI can progressively adjust your workout plan over time.

This concept, known as progressive overload, is a key principle of muscle building. Think of it like constantly upping the difficulty level in a video game to keep things challenging and stimulate muscle growth.

What Are The Benefits Of AI Training?

It’s a little spooky thinking about a robot training a human. But if the results are the same as hiring a personal trainer, then it’s an easy choice for anyone looking to save money but still get great results.

AI has many similar benefits to a personal trainer, including:

Variation In Exercises: Sticking to a consistent workout routine can be tough, especially when the initial excitement wears off. AI fitness apps combat workout monotony by offering a variety of exercises to keep you engaged.

There are also some gamification elements like earning points for completing workouts, unlocking new exercise variations, or competing virtually with friends.

Social media integration in some apps allows you to share your progress and achievements, fostering a sense of community and accountability, which can actually make you 74% more likely to adhere to your exercise program compared to those who train alone.

Injury Prevention: One of the biggest concerns for gym newbies is the risk of injury due to improper technique or pushing themselves too hard. AI fitness apps can act as your digital guardian angel, helping to prevent injuries.

By analyzing your workout data, the app can identify potential imbalances or weaknesses that could lead to problems down the line. The app can then adjust your workout plan or recommend corrective exercises to address these issues.

Plateau Monitoring: AI fitness apps don't just create workouts; they also track your progress over time. This data can be a goldmine of insights for fitness enthusiasts.

You can see how your strength, endurance, and overall fitness level are improving, which can be a huge motivator. The app can also identify areas where you might be plateauing and suggest modifications or new exercises to keep challenging your body and maximizing your potential.

Wearables and AI: The Ultimate Fitness Power Couple

AI fitness apps become even more powerful when paired with wearable health gadgets like smartwatches and fitness trackers. It’s like bringing the AI to life and bringing it along as your super intelligent gym buddy.

Many wearables track real-time biometric data like heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and even sleep patterns. This data can be seamlessly integrated with your AI fitness app, providing a more holistic picture of your workout performance and overall health.

The AI can then use this information to personalize your workouts even further. For example, if your heart rate spikes during a particular exercise, the app might suggest a lighter weight or a modification to improve your form.

Wearables can also automatically track your workout data, eliminating the need for manual logging. In fact, AI apps such Onyx can actually use 3D imaging technology to count your reps using your phone camera.

Also, AI doesn’t stop just at the gym. Your gadgets will track your out of gym activity, such as how sedentary you are each day, your sleep patterns, and what you eat, allowing an even more comprehensive approach to fitness that even a personal trainer wouldn’t be able to provide.

The BMM Takeaway

Using AI to create and optimize workouts can be a great way to get on the right track with your unique goals.

However, there’s something to be said about having a gym buddy or personal trainer there with you.

Even with the gamification elements and progress tracking using data, don’t forget to utilize the human element of motivation and friendly competition that you get from other people.

Combine the human element with the advanced computing of AI, and you’re on your way to smashing your goals.