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  • How to Stop Being Average and Think Like the Wealthy By Shifting Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

How to Stop Being Average and Think Like the Wealthy By Shifting Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

abundance mindset

Image Courtesy of Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

Want To Be Wealthy? Then Think Like The Wealthy.

To stop being average, you need to make a mental shift.

You’re stuck in that same mindset that’s been holding you back your entire life.

The scarcity mindset.

You know what I’m talking about...Always worrying that there’s not enough.

Not enough money. Not enough opportunities. Not enough time.

Here’s the thing. Most people live in that mindset every single day.

In fact, it’s even proven by science, called the cognitive bias of loss aversion.

Humans will cling to what they have and fear losing it WAY more than missing out on gaining something extra.

AKA, most people are too afraid to invest or spend money or time and are happy not gaining anything for the rest of their lives.

If you want to live a wealthy life, if you want to level up, you’ve got to stop thinking like the average person. You’ve got to start thinking like the wealthy.

But what does that really mean? Let me break it down for you.

Understanding the Scarcity Mindset

The first step to escaping the trap of mediocrity is recognizing that most people are stuck in a scarcity mindset.

A scarcity mindset is a belief that resources are limited, that success is a zero sum game, and that for someone to win, someone else has to lose.

It’s the mindset of fear, hoarding, and always being worried that there’s not enough to go around.

Think about it.

If you’re afraid of losing money, you’ll never invest.

If you’re scared of taking risks, you’ll never start that business.

If you’re constantly focusing on what’s lacking in your life, you’ll never see the abundance of opportunities right in front of you.

Growing up, I saw it all the time.

People who were always trying to hold on to what little they had.

They were afraid to take risks, afraid to go after more because they were worried they’d lose what they had.

And they stayed broke because of it.

Let me tell you something...wealth is out there. But you’ll never see it if you’re focused on what you don’t have.

Shifting to an Abundance Mindset

To start thinking like the wealthy, you have to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

And I already know what you’re thinking…”but I don’t have an abundance of money or time Brandon”…

I know. Why else would you be reading this? But let me explain:

An abundance mindset is the belief that there’s more than enough to go around.

It’s understanding that opportunities are endless, and wealth isn’t finite.

The people who win in life don’t look at the world through the lens of fear and lack, they see possibilities everywhere.

Wealthy people don’t think about what they might lose.

They focus on what they can gain.

They invest in themselves, they take calculated risks, and they never operate from a place of fear.

So how do you make that shift? It starts with how you think about opportunities and challenges.

Most people look at obstacles and see reasons to quit. The wealthy see obstacles as stepping stones to success.

For example, when the pandemic hit, most people went into panic mode.

They stopped investing, they stopped looking for ways to grow, and they just tried to survive.

But the people who think like the wealthy? They saw opportunities everywhere.

They invested when the market was down. They pivoted their businesses to meet new demands. They saw the abundance of possibilities when everyone else was focused on scarcity.

Break Free from a Victim Mentality

One of the biggest barriers that holds people back from a wealth mindset is playing the victim.

And let me tell you, I’m not saying life is easy.

You’ve got challenges, setbacks, and things that feel unfair.

But staying stuck in that victim mentality is YOUR choice.

I came from a rough background. My dad committed suicide when I was a kid, and I got caught up in illegal activities as a way to cope.

But I had to make a choice. Was I going to let that define me? Was I going to sit around blaming my circumstances for where I was in life, or was I going to do something about it?

Wealthy people don’t sit around blaming the world for their problems.

They take ownership of their situation, no matter how tough it is.

They don’t dwell on what’s holding them back, they figure out how to overcome it.

And here’s the thing. As long as you’re blaming your circumstances, you’re giving away your power. You’re letting the world dictate your success, instead of taking control of it.

Wealth Is a Byproduct of Value

Wealthy people don’t just chase money. They focus on creating value. That’s the difference.

You’ve got to understand this if you want to stop being average.

The average person is always trying to figure out how to make a quick buck, how to squeeze out a little more money from whatever they’re doing.

But the wealthy focus on providing value, because they know that when you give value, wealth follows.

Look at anyone who’s built massive wealth, whether it’s in business, investments, or even social media.

They’re not just chasing dollars, they’re providing something valuable to other people.

They’re solving problems. They’re improving lives. And when you do that, the money follows.

When I built my online fitness business, I wasn’t focused on how much money I could make.

I was focused on helping people get in the best shape of their lives. I focused on the value I was bringing to my clients. The money came as a byproduct of that.

If you want to shift to a wealth mindset, stop asking yourself, “How can I make more money?” and start asking, “How can I create more value?”

Take Calculated Risks

Let me be real with you, if you’re not willing to take risks, you’ll never get rich.

But here’s the difference between the average person and the wealthy: wealthy people don’t take stupid risks. They take calculated risks.

The average person is terrified of any risk.

They play it safe, they don’t invest, they don’t start businesses, they stay in jobs they hate because they’re scared of losing what little they have.

But the wealthy understand that every opportunity comes with some level of risk. And they embrace it because they know that with risk comes reward.

Think about it. When you start a business, invest in real estate, or put money into the stock market, there’s always a chance you could lose.

But there’s also a chance you could win big. Wealthy people are willing to take those risks because they’ve calculated the potential upside, and they know the reward is worth the risk.

But they don’t go in blind. They educate themselves. They get the information they need to make smart decisions.

They manage risk by doing their homework and surrounding themselves with experts. And because they’re willing to take those calculated risks, they reap the rewards while the average person stays stuck in fear.

Build Multiple Streams of Income

Another thing that sets wealthy people apart from the average person is that they never rely on just one source of income.

If you’re serious about building wealth, you’ve got to think beyond a 9 to 5 job. The wealthy don’t just work for money, they make their money work for them.

They invest in multiple income streams so that even if one dries up, they’re still getting paid.

Here’s a mindset shift you need to make: Stop thinking about trading time for money. That’s what average people do.

They work a job, get a paycheck, and that’s it. If they don’t work, they don’t get paid. Wealthy people think about how they can create passive income streams, ways to get paid whether they’re working or not.

This could be investing in real estate, starting an online business, building a personal brand, or even putting money into stocks and bonds.

The key is diversification. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money across different income streams, and watch it grow.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s true, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If you’re surrounded by people who think small, who live in scarcity, who are content with mediocrity, you’re going to stay average.

But if you start surrounding yourself with people who think big, who are driven, who live in abundance, that mindset will start to rub off on you.

Wealthy people know the power of a network. They surround themselves with other successful people because they understand that your circle has a massive impact on your success.

Look at your own life right now. Are the people you spend time with pushing you to grow, or are they holding you back?

Are they encouraging you to take risks and chase your goals, or are they feeding into your fears and doubts?

If you want to stop being average, you’ve got to surround yourself with people who are playing at a higher level than you.

Find mentors, join mastermind groups, network with people who are already where you want to be. Their mindset will elevate yours.

Take Massive Action

At the end of the day, nothing changes without action.

You can shift your mindset, you can surround yourself with the right people, you can read all the books and take all the courses, but if you don’t take action, none of it matters.

The wealthy didn’t get to where they are by sitting on the sidelines. They took massive, decisive action. They weren’t afraid to fail. They weren’t afraid to take risks. They made things happen.

So, if you want to stop being average, you’ve got to get out there and make moves. Start that business. Make that investment. Take that risk. Stop waiting for the perfect time because it will never come.

The BMM Takeaway

Action creates results. And the more action you take, the more momentum you build.

Success isn’t reserved for a select few. It’s out there for anyone willing to shift their mindset from scarcity to abundance and take massive action.

You just have to make the choice to stop being average and start thinking like the wealthy.

The only question left is... are you ready to make that choice?