How to Grow on Social Media in 2024 - Part Two

Image by Big Money Methods

If you haven’t read part one, do that before proceeding.

Now that you understand the principles, it’s time to get more tactical with your approach. You can’t post anything and everything hoping to grow. The “spray and pray” method rarely works. There has to be a game plan in place.

Randomly doing things is guessing, and you can’t track your progress. As a result, random can’t be replicated. If you have no plan, then you’ll be putting the “dumb” into random.

Don’t do this. It wastes time and will yield untold frustration.

Now, there are many different ways to grow on social media. Many of those methods are great.

I'll be breaking my method since I’ve done trial and error to get millions of followers on social media.

Also, I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty of each platform. These tactics will work regardless of where you focus your attention.

Plan Your Schedule 

My greatest tactic for anyone who comes to me or hires me for their social media and online business is to plan it out.

Benjamin Franklin once said,

By failing to plan, you are planning to fail.”

So here’s your first tactic: Do not post without a plan.

Why? Because life will get in the way. “Something” will inevitably come up, and you’ll break the chain. More on that in a moment.

When I first grew my following on YouTube, which now has over one million subscribers, each day was dedicated to a different task. And this was before I had a team to help with anything.

It looked something like this:

Sunday: Idea generation for the week.

Monday: Shoot all videos.

Tuesday: Create the thumbnails.

Wednesday: Edit the videos.

Thursday: Research music choices.

Friday: Set video posting times in the calendar.

That’s a sample, but you get the picture.

Devote each day to a task with a proper plan in place. Otherwise, you’ll fail and lose out to your competition.

Split Your Tasks Up

If you shoot, edit, and create the thumbnails on the same day and do that daily, you will fail and burn out. That’s a recipe for disaster.

It's too much to focus on when starting your social media journey.

Doing all the skills needed each day will diminish the quality of your content and hinder your growth.

Tactic two: Focus on one task per day.

However, when you decide to break the tasks up and focus on one task each day, this will give you the focus you need to learn the skill correctly.

Let’s say today is an editing day. Instead of having to worry about shooting, lighting, outfit choices, and proper posting times, you can take all of your focus and put it on the skill of editing.

You can research the skill by reading blogs and watching videos to learn the methods and implement those moves immediately.

This approach will increase your skill retention rate and produce better-quality content.

Don’t Break the Chain

On my Instagram, you’ll see that I have 1.1 million followers.
Everyone sees that and reacts in awe.

What they always gloss over, though, is how many posts I’ve created.

When writing this, I have over 2,650+ posts up there. And I post every day. That translates to just over seven years of posting without missing a day.

And yes, a post goes up daily, which leads to my next point.

Tactic three: Don’t break the chain.

Feed the beast daily. Get serious about your content if you want serious results.

When you show these platforms that you’re a committed creator, the social media gods will smile upon you, and fortune will rain down on your content.

Keep it “Short.”

When I started on YouTube, there were only long videos.

You all have it easy!

Some creators have only built audiences with millions of followers by shooting sixty-second videos. One minute! That’s it!

When TikTok arrived on the scene, it changed the game of attention, and they stole eyeballs from YouTube and Facebook.

So, to keep up, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube changed their content models to short-form videos. These platforms heavily favor this short-form content and reward those who utilize it.

If I were building my brand today from scratch, I’d only post shorts and post them everywhere.

Tactic four: Go hard posting short-form videos and post them everywhere.

I take a day and record 60-90 videos for the month. Edit them. Then, post them to all the platforms. YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook would get the same content.

Post Great Content

But Brandon, I’ve been posting for weeks, and my following isn’t growing!

Yeah! I bet, dummy! A couple of months? That’s cute.

The oldest video on my YouTube channel is from eleven years ago. And this is my second channel because YouTube shut my first channel down!

And then, after I get messages like this, I’ll visit these people’s profiles, and their content is trash. There’s no substance to it. It’s vapid and all about them–not their audience.

It’s not that difficult to understand.

Why should someone follow you? What value does your content provide them? And have you been posting value consistently for a year?

Tactic five: Post dope content that gives people value.

It can be educational, entertaining, or you can do both if you’re a “G” like me.

And it’s okay if you’re filming on a phone to start. But make the quality of the video and the sound the best you can with what you’ve got. Over time, you can upgrade to a real camera and a microphone. And you should.

You always want to approach your content from the standpoint of: “How can I make this 1% better?

But your content has to give people some sort of value if you seek their time, attention, and money.

Build a Relationship with Your Audience

No one likes people they can’t relate to.

If you’re only talking to your audience like you’re on a high horse, it could be difficult for them to relate to you.

Yes, giving ridiculous value should be the focus to gain trust and build the following, but show some sides of yourself, too.

For example, on Instagram, my stories document my life. It’s like a reality show my audience can tune in to and follow.

I put it in my stories when I’m hanging out with my son at a park. I’ll post in my stories if I’m at the shooting range (since I’m the black John Wick-Jamal Wick). If I take mi novia shopping at Louis Vuitton or Gucci, I document it in my stories.

And I’ll subtly shout out my product or service between those stories.

And then, it’s back to the reality show.

I also engage with my followers once a week, answering their questions about life, money, muscle, and business.

Tactic six: Build a relationship with your audience. Be reachable and relatable by documenting your life.

Doing this allows your followers to peel back the curtain on your life. They start feeling like they know you and like you’re not just another person out to sell them.

And, funny enough, this tactic increases sales more than trying to sell them.

Why? Because documenting your life builds true fans, not just a following.

The BMM Takeaway

Growing your social media isn’t rocket science.

However, most people fail because they have the wrong expectations and aren’t willing to go the distance.

You have to know that this takes patience and persistence. Create the plan and execute it daily. And you’ve got to follow the formula.

The formula is simple:

Post dope content + consistency + time = social media growth.

Then, engage with your audience, improve your content as you go, and do it every day until you reach your goals.

If you adhere to the tactics I’ve shared (and walk your talk by doing the work), you'll have a sizeable following by the end of the year.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Create a plan and stick to it daily.

  • Split your tasks up for greater focus, quality, and skill acquisition.

  • Don’t break the chain: Post daily.

  • Focus on short-form content. Especially right now.

  • Post GREAT content that gives value to the marketplace. Make it educational, entertaining, or both.

  • Build a relationship with your audience by engaging with them and documenting your life day-to-day life.