How to Grow on Social Media in 2024

Image by Big Money Methods

If you’re not using social media by now, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Whether you like social media or not isn’t an excuse anymore. As of December 2023, Facebook has over 3 billion active monthly users, Instagram has over 2.4 billion monthly active users, and TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users. Oh, and let’s not forget about a little site called YouTube that is clocking 2.7 billion monthly users.

Those are a lot of leads to grow your brand and business.

But how do you break through the noise and the saturation to grow a following?

That’s a good question, and since I have over 3 million followers across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, I know a thing or two about growing your brand online and building multiple seven-figure businesses from social media. This article will be part one in a series, breaking it down step by step. In this article, we will cover the principles and the right mindset needed to stay the course and endure the journey of growing your brand.

Growing your following won’t be quick, but it'll be worth it if you can follow the formula and persist through the delays.

Let’s get into it.

The Attention Economy by the Numbers 

I understand if you’re still apprehensive and unsure about using social media for your business, but you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Here’s why:

Consumer attention is shifting, specifically to their smartphones. Many old-school advertising models don’t work anymore because people aren’t paying attention. Billboards, bench banners, and flyers are quickly becoming a waste of money for most businesses.

We now live in an attention-based economy. For your marketing to be effective, you must go where the eyeballs are to get noticed. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and money.

Where are the eyeballs today? Social Media.

Take a look at these stats:

  • From 2020 to 2025, the number of people worldwide who use social media is expected to grow from 3.6 billion to 4.4 billion.

  • Social media advertising has the second biggest market in digital ads. Social media had a revenue of $153 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to over $252 billion in 2026.

  • Brands are still using Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. But marketers will also focus on trending platforms like TikTok, Pinterest, and Rumble.

Those numbers are insane, and they’re only growing.

And your customers and consumers are on those platforms.

To thrive in today’s attention-based economy, you must evolve, or you and your business will be forgotten and die.

Play the Long Game

We live in the age of instant gratification.

Pretty much anything we want, we can have quickly.

Do you need a new product? Amazon Prime.
Want to watch a new show? Netflix.
Are you looking for love? Swipe right on Tinder.
Do you have to contact someone? Text, call, message, DM, or FaceTime them instantly.

When we want something, we can access it faster than ever before. And that’s great.

However, the things that matter take time.

You can’t click “Add to Cart” and be a blackbelt in martial arts. You can’t overnight a Ph.D. You can’t swipe right and just have your goals come to fruition. It doesn’t work like that.

And it’s the same thing with social media.

On my YouTube page, you’ll see that I have over 1 million subscribers.

That’s cool, but most people don’t notice I’ve made over two thousand videos on that platform alone. And, if you click on the videos tab and sort the results to “Oldest,” my first video was from over eleven years ago!

That’s a long time. It didn’t happen overnight.

It took long-term thinking, plotting, and executing to get there. It’s playing the long game, and most people don’t do that. And that’s why they fail.

Some might go on social media and become famous in a year. But for most, this simply isn’t the case.

And if you go into this endeavor with a “hurry-up” type of attitude, You’re not going to last, and, ultimately, you’ll quit.

Perfection is Paralysis

As mentioned above, I have made over two thousand videos on YouTube alone.

That’s a ton of content. But guess what? It helped me get over 1 million subscribers.

And, of course, many subscribers became customers for my supplement company. Then, they bought into my mentorship, where I teach personal trainers to build their own online fitness business, and they learn from me directly.

And I made millions of dollars as a result (because I’m a G).

But here’s the thing: It’s not like I was constantly posting quality content. Not at all.

When I first started on YouTube, I didn’t even have a video camera. I shot all of my first videos on a phone. The quality was terrible! There was minimal editing (if any), the sound was trash, and the video quality looked like it belonged in The Blair Witch Project.

But I didn’t care about “perfection.” It didn’t need to be perfect right away.

Winston Churchill said that another way to spell perfectionism is paralysis. Trying to be perfect forces us to take no action.

It’s like when people first start training in the gym. Their form isn’t perfect on day one. Not at all. But with time, consistency, and repetition, they improve.

And it’s the same thing with creating content for your brand and business.

You will not be perfect, ever. In fact, you’ll probably suck in the beginning, and that’s okay. Keep showing up and putting the reps in. You will improve.

Quality vs. Quantity

I want you to remember this saying when it comes to anything but creating content specifically:

Volume trumps luck.

Once again, I made 2,300+ videos on YouTube. I keep saying it for you to fully wrap your head around that number because most people can’t.

They throw their arms up after video twenty-six, saying, “This stuff isn’t working.”

My friends, it’s a numbers game–a volume game.

At the start, just start posting content and post a lot of it.

Doing so is going to show you your strong points and weak points. Also, you’ll start getting data on your content, guiding you toward what works and what doesn’t in the marketplace.

The quantity will lead to better quality in time.

And during the process of posting and creating brand awareness, continue to educate yourself on leveling up your skillset.

Post Awesome Content

When most people begin posting on social media, they have certain expectations.

They post a piece of content, and then they wait for the likes and comments to roll in. Of course, since they’re starting, that doesn’t happen immediately. They, probably unintentionally, expect the world to be coming to them with praise and adoration for their work.

Here’s something for you to think about regarding your content:

Why should anyone follow you? Why should they care?

When growing your social media, many new creators focus on themselves. And I get it. It feels great when your content resonates, and your following grows. Science shows how the dopamine is addictive.

But if you focus on you, then you’re not focusing on the marketplace. And that’s your customer/consumer base.

What value is your content giving? What benefit is your content bringing to those watching?

To grow your brand or business, content posted on your social media should educate, entertain, or inspire the consumer in some way.

If you can do two out of the three, that’s golden.

Post dope content, and do it daily.

The BMM Takeaway

In business, you’re either growing or dying.

When credit cards first hit the scene, the major restaurants in New York that stuck to the old cash model and didn’t adapt lost business and eventually closed their doors.

And the same scenario is happening with marketing. Businesses and brands continue to pour their money into old-school advertising models that aren’t tracked with instantaneous data and aren’t as effective.
They’re stuck in their ways and aren’t adapting their methods, putting themselves where the eyeballs are.

Oh, and by the way, not only are the eyeballs on social media but posting on these platforms is free. It’s free advertising.

Taking your brand or business on social media is an opportunity you can’t afford to waste.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • We live in an attention-based economy. Advertise where the eyeballs are.

  • Play the long game: Most quit looking for overnight results.

  • Playing to perfection will keep you from growing your brand.

  • Volume trumps luck. The quality of your content will improve with the quantity.

  • Post awesome content consistently.