How to Get a High Paying Sales Job Without Experience

sales job without experience

Image Courtesy of BMM

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • The Real Way to Start Making Money Fast: Sales is the quickest path to earning real money without a degree or resume. It’s all about results, and if you’re hungry to hustle, you can break in and make serious money.

  • Why Sales is Your Best Bet for Big Money: In sales, your paycheck is tied to performance, not time or experience. The more you sell, the more you make…there’s no ceiling, which makes it the fastest way to earn without climbing a corporate ladder.

  • Master the Basics of Sales: Learn the fundamentals like understanding customer pain points, listening actively, handling objections, and confidently closing deals. Master these, and you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.

  • Focus on High Demand And High Ticket Industries: Target industries like tech and healthcare that are always looking for sales talent. Startups, in particular, need commission only salespeople…perfect for proving your skills with no financial risk to them.

  • How to Stand Out to Hiring Managers: Don’t wait for job postings. Research companies, find the hiring manager, and reach out directly with a personalized message that shows you’ve done your homework. Show your drive and initiative.

  • Look the Part to Get the Part: Sales managers hire for confidence and charisma, not just experience. If you carry yourself with energy and can build trust quickly, you’ll stand out, even for commission-only roles.

  • Nail the Interview Like a Sales Pitch: Treat your interview as a pitch. Focus on what you bring to the table, show your hunger, and close with the bold question: “Is there anything that would stop you from hiring me today?”

The Real Way to Start Making Money Fast

If you want to make real money without a college degree, connections, or experience, this is your path.

Most people spend years chasing diplomas that don’t pay off.

But sales is the fastest way to start earning without a degree or long resume.

No one cares about your background…if you can sell, you’re valuable.

Sales is about results.

Some of the most successful salespeople never went to college and didn’t have connections handed to them.

But they had hunger.

If you’re willing to learn and hustle, you can break into sales and earn serious money.

Let’s dive into exactly how you can land a high paying sales job, even if you have no degree, connections, or experience.

Why Sales is Your Best Bet For Big Money

Sales is one of the few careers where your paycheck directly reflects how good you are.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a fancy resume or years of experience. What matters is your ability to perform.

In most jobs, you trade your time for money.

You’re paid for the hours you put in or given a fixed salary, regardless of your results.

Sales flips that completely.

Your income is based on performance, not time.

The better you sell, the more you make.

And there’s no ceiling on your income. This is why sales is the fastest way to make real money without climbing a corporate ladder or spending years getting a degree.

Every company needs revenue to survive. That’s why salespeople are irreplaceable.

If you can sell, businesses will want you, and they won’t care about your background.

This gives you a huge opportunity to break into sales with no degree or prior experience.

Master the Basics of Sales

You don’t need formal experience to get started, but you do need to understand the fundamentals of sales.

The key here is to learn enough to sound competent in interviews and to hit the ground running once you land a job.

Start by studying sales psychology. What makes people buy? What problems are they trying to solve? Understanding these motivations will help you connect with prospects and close deals.

I could write an entire separate article on this (in fact, I did), but here are the biggest ones to know:

  • Pain Points: Every customer has a problem they need solved. Your job is to identify that problem and offer a solution. Dig deep and understand their pain. Once you do, your solution will sell itself.

  • Active Listening: Sales isn’t about talking, it’s about listening. Ask smart questions that reveal your prospect’s needs, and then listen carefully to their answers. When they feel understood, trust builds quickly.

  • Handling Objections: You’re going to face resistance. Whether it’s "I need to think about it" or "I don’t have the budget right now," learning to handle objections is critical. The trick is to uncover the real issue behind the objection and address it directly.

  • Closing the Deal: This is where most people fail. You have to ask for the sale. Don’t be afraid to push, but be tactful. Remember, the close is the natural conclusion to a well-executed sales conversation.

Also, study top salespeople like Grant Cardone.

He famously critiqued people trying to sell him a glass of water and showed that the real key is connecting the product to the customer’s needs.

Don’t just sell for the sake of selling, understand why the prospect needs what you’re offering and make that connection clear.

Focus on High Demand And High Ticket Industries

To get hired fast, look for industries where sales talent is in high demand.

Fields like tech, healthcare, and financial services are always on the hunt for people who can drive revenue.

Many of these companies won’t care about your degree or lack of experience, they just need someone who can sell.

Startups are especially good places to target. Especially if they have a high margin product that sells for a LOT of money.

They’re usually looking for commission only salespeople because it’s a no risk hire for them. They pay only when you bring in revenue.

For you, this is the perfect opportunity to prove yourself.

If you can sell their product, the commission checks will start rolling in, and soon enough, you’ll have built a track record that no one can ignore.

And remember, if the sales are high-ticket (aka high in value or price), you’ll make more money proportionally.

And here’s a hidden secret…selling really expensive things is actually EASIER than selling cheap things.

Alex Hormozi summed this up when he said, “It’s easier to sell one really expensive thing to one really rich person than many cheap things to many poor people”.

Think about it, rich people have money to spend. Most others cling to their money.

And so, this is basically what happened when the Wolf of Wall Street walked into that small office and sold their penny stocks when no one else could.

And because they were so hard to sell, the commission offered was crazy high, which is what made him filthy rich after selling so many.

How to Stand Out to Hiring Managers

Here’s where most people go wrong…they apply to sales jobs online, submit their resume, and then wait.

But this isn’t going to get you anywhere.

You need to stand out, and that means taking a more aggressive approach.

Get on LinkedIn and research the companies you want to work for.

Find the person in charge of hiring for the sales department and send them a direct message.

Don’t wait for a job posting…reach out before they even know they need you. Here’s a message that works:

“Hi [Hiring Manager], I’ve been following [Company] for several months and I’m interested in joining your team to help drive sales. I’ve already familiarized myself with your brand and offering and I have the availability to start taking calls and making connections for you as early as tomorrow. Would you be totally opposed to chatting for 10 minutes about any opportunities in sales with [Company]?

The key to this message is that it shows you’ve already dedicated time and effort to learning about them, showing you’re driven to sell their product, and that you’re highly available to sell their product or service both immediately and regularly.

The message also ends with a famous Alex Hormozi sales technique of using, “would you be totally opposed to…”, which triggers the reader to be more open to whatever you’re about to suggest.

If they see you already using sales techniques like that, most employers will be more inclined to hire you.

Another great trick is to send them a loom video as if THEY are the person you’re selling to.

Except instead of selling anything, you’re just asking to meet them or discuss an opportunity.

Basically take that message from above and say it verbally, while presenting yourself professionally and with good lighting.

A lot of your sales calls with be virtual, so if they see that you look good on camera, have a great speaking voice, and appear confident, it’ll help your chances of getting noticed significantly. 

Sales Managers Will Hire You for Your Presence

Here’s something most people don’t realize…sales managers will hire you even if you have zero experience, as long as you walk in with confidence, charisma, and drive.

Sales is all about people.

It’s about making a connection, building trust quickly, and getting someone to like you within the first five seconds.

If you look the part, carry yourself with confidence, and show eagerness to work, you’re already halfway to getting hired.

Managers know that sales rely on talking to people, following up, and making a great first impression.

They don’t expect you to be a sales expert on day one, but they do expect you to show signs that you can connect with people.

If they see that spark in you…the ability to build trust fast….they will hire you as if they just struck gold.

This is especially true for commission only jobs. There’s no financial risk for the company.

If you sell, they make money. If you don’t, they lose nothing.

That’s why confidence, drive, and the ability to make an impression matter more than a perfect resume in sales.

I’ve got another article I’ve written on how to present yourself with confidence, check it out to help you nail these interviews and meetings.

Nail the Interview Like a Sales Pitch

Once you’ve got a hiring manager’s attention, treat the interview like a sales pitch.

You’re selling yourself, and you need to close them.

Don’t waste time focusing on what you lack…focus on what you can bring.

Highlight any sales experience you’ve gained, even if it’s informal.

Talk about how you’ve been studying sales and how eager you are to prove yourself.

Show them your hunger and drive. Hiring managers care about your attitude more than your resume.

At the end of the interview, use this closing line: “Is there anything that would stop you from hiring me today?”

This forces the interviewer to bring up any concerns, which gives you the chance to address them right then and there. It’s a bold move, but it works.

The BMM Takeaway

Sales is the fastest way to make real money without a degree, but you’ve got to take action.

Start learning, reach out to decision makers, and show them you’re serious.

Sales isn’t about where you start, it’s about how fast you adapt and grow.

If you’re hungry, confident, and willing to hustle, you can make more money than most people with fancy degrees. That’s what I did.

The opportunities are waiting, you just need to grab them.