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  • How "The Hero's Journey" Method Can Change Your Life Permanently

How "The Hero's Journey" Method Can Change Your Life Permanently

heros journey

Image Courtesy of BMM

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • A Framework That Changes Lives: The Hero’s Journey is more than just a story. It’s a proven methodology for personal transformation, guiding you from where you are to where you want to be.

  • What is the Hero's Journey?: The Hero’s Journey represents the path of growth where an ordinary person faces extraordinary challenges and emerges transformed. Recognizing this pattern in your life can help you reach your biggest goals.

  • Recognizing When It's Time for a Change: Transformation begins with recognizing the need for change. Pay attention to feelings of dissatisfaction. They’re often the first signs that it’s time to step up and take control of your life.

  • Embrace The Unknown, Leave The Comfort Zone: After recognizing the need for change, you must venture into the unknown. This is where real growth happens, pushing you to confront fears and discover your true potential.

  • Overcome Trials and Obstacles: Challenges will test your resolve, but they’re also opportunities to grow. Reframe obstacles as chances to learn, break them into manageable steps, and seek support when needed.

  • Transform and Emerge Victorious: After facing and overcoming challenges, you’ll experience a profound transformation. This stage is where all your hard work pays off, leaving you stronger and ready for whatever comes next.

A Framework That Changes Lives

Every epic story you’ve ever heard follows a similar pattern.

An ordinary person faces a challenge, goes through trials, and emerges on the other side stronger and wiser.

Think Luke Skywalker in Star Wars when he learns the force. Or when Neo becomes The One in The Matrix.

Only this framework doesn’t just exist in movies, it’s a legitimate methodology to leveling up in real life too.

This pattern is known as the Hero’s Journey. 

It’s the ultimate guide to personal transformation, showing us how to go from where we are to where we want to be.

In this article, I’m going to break down the Hero’s Journey and show you how to apply it to your own life.

We’ll explore each stage of the journey, from recognizing the call to adventure to emerging victorious on the other side.

What is the Hero's Journey?

The Hero’s Journey is the classic story where an ordinary person faces extraordinary challenges, overcomes them, and emerges transformed on the other side.

Peter Parker was a super nerd with absolutely no game. Then he becomes goddamn Spiderman. It’s a huge transformation.

But how can this story help you reach your biggest goal in life?

Well, once you understand the components of the story, you can start to identify those components in your own life.

Then, just live out the story without straying from the plot.

This journey pushes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to confront your fears.

It’s in those tough moments that you find out what you’re really made of.

And as you keep pushing forward, you start to realize that the power to achieve your biggest goals was within you all along...you just needed the journey to bring it out.

Here are the story components to look out for in your life:

Recognizing When It's Time for a Change

Can you hear it?

Every transformation begins with a call.

A moment when you realize that where you are is no longer enough.

This is the first step in the Hero’s Journey…recognizing that something needs to change.

It’s that feeling of restlessness, dissatisfaction, or a nagging sense that you’re meant for more. This is your call to adventure.

But here’s the thing: this call isn’t always loud or obvious.

Sometimes, it’s a quiet discomfort...a subtle feeling that things aren’t quite right.

It could be the monotony of a job that doesn’t fulfill you, the realization that your relationships aren’t bringing you joy, or the sense that you’re stuck in a rut.

Whatever form it takes, the call to adventure is your invitation to step up and take control of your life.

Many people ignore this call.

They convince themselves that things are “good enough” or that change is too risky.

But staying in your comfort zone won’t lead to growth.

The first step toward transformation is acknowledging that call and deciding to do something about it.

Here’s what I suggest.

Pay attention to your discontent. Notice the areas of your life where you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled.

This discomfort is often the first sign that it’s time for a change.

Then, identify what’s holding you back. Fear, doubt, and insecurity often keep us from answering the call.

Acknowledge these feelings, but don’t let them control you.

Then, it’s time to act.

Commit to leaving your comfort zone and pursuing the change you know you need.

Embrace The Unknown, Leave The Comfort Zone

After recognizing the call to adventure, the next step is embracing the unknown.

This is where the real journey begins. In every hero’s story, there’s a moment when they leave behind the familiar and venture into uncharted territory.

It’s exciting, but it’s also terrifying...and that’s exactly why it’s necessary.

The unknown is where you’re going to be tested, pushed, and ultimately transformed.

It’s crucial to not give up during this period. Because that’s not what’s supposed to happen in this story.

If Spiderman gave up as soon as he realized how strong Green Goblin was, that green dickhead would still be terrorizing NYC to this day.

So when you’re going through it, maybe with a tough new job or extreme body transformation, remember where you’re at in the story.

Overcome Trials and Obstacles

Just like any hero in a story, you’ll face trials and obstacles that test your resolve, strength, and commitment.

These are the moments that define your journey.

They push you to your limits and force you to grow in ways you never thought possible.

In the Hero’s Journey, these trials are the crucible where the hero is forged. It’s during these challenges that you discover your true capabilities.

Every obstacle you encounter is an opportunity to become stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

But it’s not just about surviving these trials, it’s about learning from them and using them to propel you forward.

Here’s how to face and overcome your own trials:

Reframe Challenges as Opportunities: Shift your mindset to see obstacles as chances to grow. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself and your abilities.

Break Down Big Problems into Smaller Steps: When faced with a daunting challenge, break it down into manageable parts. Tackling small steps one at a time makes the process less overwhelming and more achievable.

Stay Resilient and Adaptable: Resilience is key to overcoming obstacles. Be ready to adapt your approach when things don’t go as planned. Flexibility allows you to navigate around roadblocks and keep moving forward.

Seek Support When Needed: Even heroes have allies. Don’t hesitate to seek help or advice from mentors, friends, or colleagues when facing tough challenges. Support can make all the difference in overcoming obstacles.

Overcoming trials is about perseverance and the willingness to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. These are the moments that shape your character and prepare you for the ultimate victory in your journey.

Transform and Emerge Victorious

After enduring trials, overcoming obstacles, and learning from mentors, you reach a pivotal moment in your journey, the transformation.

This is where all your hard work, perseverance, and growth come together.

In the Hero’s Journey, this stage is often marked by a significant victory, a moment where the hero conquers their greatest challenge and is fundamentally changed by the experience.

For you, this transformation might be achieving a long sought after goal, overcoming a deep seated fear, or reaching a new level of understanding and capability.

Whatever it is, this is the moment where you realize that you are no longer the person who started this journey.

You’ve evolved...you’ve grown...and now, you’re equipped with the tools and knowledge to face whatever comes next.

But transformation isn’t just about the victory itself. It’s about what comes after.

It’s about taking what you’ve learned and using it to continue growing, to help others, and to make a lasting impact in your life and the lives of those around you.

And how you can look back and ask yourself, “did I really go on the hero’s journey?”.

Take time to look back at where you started and how far you’ve come.

Reflecting on your growth reinforces the changes you’ve made and strengthens your resolve.

You should also make a conscious effort to apply what you’ve learned throughout your journey to your everyday life.

Whether it’s a new mindset, skills, or habits, integrating them ensures that your transformation is lasting.

The BMM Takeaway

The journey doesn’t end when you’ve transformed, it’s just the beginning of a new chapter.

The true value of the Hero’s Journey lies in what you do with the knowledge, skills, and insights you’ve gained along the way.

Now that you’ve conquered challenges, grown stronger, and emerged victorious, it’s time to apply these learnings to your life and create lasting change.

This is where the hero returns to their ordinary world, but they’re no longer the same person.

They’ve brought back a powerful new understanding or capability that they can use to make their world better.

In your own life, this means taking the lessons from your journey and integrating them into your daily routines, your relationships, and your future goals.