How Nootropics Can Make You Mentally Sharper And Faster


Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Can Nootropics Really Make You "Evolve"?: Often described as "smart drugs," nootropics enhance cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and motivation, providing benefits similar to stat buffs in video games.

  • The Science Behind Nootropics: Nootropics improve brain function by optimizing neurotransmitter activity, enhancing the brain's ability to send and receive signals more efficiently.

  • A Real-Life Limitless Pill?: Combinations of nootropics like Modafinil, Noopept, and Piracetam can significantly enhance mental clarity and processing speed.

  • How To Make Potions In Real Life: Create your own nootropic potion by mixing ingredients such as Shilajit Extract, Rhodiola Rosea, and Ginkgo Biloba.

Can Nootropics Really Make You “Evolve”?

Nootropics are basically real life alchemy ingredients.

Often called "smart drugs," nootropics are substances that can enhance cognitive functions like memory, focus, and motivation, similar to stat buffs in video games.

But not all nootropics are exotic, or located at the top Mt. Everest. Caffeine is actually a nootropic, for example.

While the concept might sound modern, the pursuit of cognitive enhancement is age-old, tracing back to ancient traditions using herbs and potions to improve mental clarity and function.

We’ll go over some of the most effective and popular nootropics that guys are using to optimize their body and mind for maximum performance.

The Science Behind Nootropics

Nootropics work by fine-tuning your brain's chemistry.

Imagine your brain is a giant network of messages zipping back and forth.

These messages are carried by chemicals called neurotransmitters. Nootropics, like a good mechanic, can tweak these signals to make your brain run smoother.

Take caffeine, for example. It's a basic nootropic you probably already use. Piracetam is another, more advanced one.

But instead of just giving you a jittery buzz, Piracetam helps your brain use a specific message carrier (acetylcholine) for better memory. It also strengthens your brain cells and improves blood flow, which can give you a mental edge.

Nootropics are classified into two broad categories: synthetic and natural.

Synthetic nootropics, like Modafinil, are man-made and often used for treating conditions such as narcolepsy but have been adopted widely for their off-label use in enhancing cognitive function.

Studies have shown that Modafinil improves alertness, enhances creativity, and helps maintain mental focus in complex tasks.

On the other hand, natural nootropics, such as Ginkgo Biloba and Panax Ginseng, have roots in traditional medicine, offering milder effects and are often used to maintain cognitive health over time.

Ginkgo Biloba, for instance, has been extensively studied for its ability to enhance memory and processing speeds.

It also has massive benefits for guys who suffer from sexual dysfunction related to antidepressants, which can be severe at the start of new medication.

A Real Life Limitless Pill?

Honestly, the Limitless pill probably was probably just a bunch of nootropics shoved into a tiny capsule.

Here are the best nootropics for boosting mental clarity and sharpness to help you work, study, or learn faster:

Modafinil: Often the star of the show when discussing synthetic nootropics, Modafinil is praised for its ability to drastically improve alertness and wakefulness.

Originally developed for narcolepsy patients, its off-label use for cognitive enhancement has gained substantial traction.

Studies show that Modafinil can improve decision-making and planning skills by reducing impulsive responses and enhancing one's attention to detail.

Noopept: Another synthetic powerhouse, Noopept, is known for its effectiveness in boosting overall brain health and cognitive function with significantly lower doses compared to similar nootropics.

Research indicates Noopept enhances various stages of cognitive processing, aids in memory formation, and increases focus and concentration.

Piracetam: As one of the first nootropics discovered, Piracetam has been the subject of extensive study.

It is known to enhance cellular membrane fluidity. This mechanism helps in improving connectivity between neurons, leading to better memory and learning capabilities.

The Real-world Benefits of Cognitive Enhancers

The use of these cognitive enhancers can translate into tangible benefits in everyday life, particularly for individuals in competitive environments like universities or high-stakes industries.

For example, Modafinil has been reported in various user testimonials and studies to help individuals perform tedious and complex tasks with improved endurance and accuracy; effects that are highly valued in professions requiring long hours and high concentration.

How To Make Potions In Real Life

Just like in video games where you can drink stamina and mana potions, you can basically do this in real life too with nootropics.

Just like with alchemy in games like Skyrim, you can research the benefits of each nootropic and make your own unique blends for unique desired effects.

So yes, these are literally real life potions you can make.

Here’s a nootropic potion recipe for boosting Stamina and Mental Clarity:


Shilajit Extract: A pinch (about 200 mg) for increasing cellular energy production and enhancing cognitive functions through its high fulvic acid content.

Rhodiola Rosea: 300 mg to combat fatigue and improve focus, particularly effective for managing stress and enhancing physical endurance.

Ginkgo Biloba: 120 mg to increase blood flow to the brain, thereby improving memory and reaction times, and aiding in mental processing speed.

Caffeine: 50 mg for an immediate energy boost and heightened alertness, sharpening focus and concentration shortly after consumption.

L-Theanine: 100 mg to promote relaxation without drowsiness, working synergistically with caffeine to enhance cognitive performance and attention.


1. Dissolve Shilajit: Begin by dissolving the Shilajit extract in a small amount of warm water, ensuring it is fully integrated into the liquid.

2. Mix Ingredients: In a larger vessel, combine the Rhodiola Rosea, Ginkgo Biloba, caffeine, and L-Theanine. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution of all components.

3. Combine with Shilajit Solution: Add the dissolved Shilajit to the mixture and stir until the solution is uniform.

4. Chill and Serve: Chill the mixture for about an hour. Serve it cool for a refreshing taste and an invigorating lift.

Consumption Tips:

Best Time to Drink: Consume this elixir in the morning or early afternoon to maximize its effects on energy and cognitive function throughout the day without disrupting sleep patterns.

Frequency: Due to the potency of the ingredients, limit consumption to once per day, or even every other day, to prevent tolerance build-up and ensure each dose remains effective.

The BMM Takeaway

While nootropics can give you a serious boost in mental and physical performance, be careful not to get hooked on them.

They’re not necessarily “drugs”, but the effects of caffeine for example can quickly become addictive.

And just look at what happened to Bradley Cooper in Limitless, didn’t he die at the end or something? It was definitely something bad after he became so obsessed with the pill.

Try to find a healthy balance between a good diet supplemented with a few key nootropics, and be careful to monitor any side effects you may experience.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this content is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. The use of nootropics should be approached with caution, and any dietary supplement or nootropic regimen should be undertaken only under the guidance of a healthcare professional. The effects of nootropics can vary significantly between individuals, and improper use can lead to adverse health effects. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and benefits and to use these substances responsibly. The recommendations and content provided here do not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial emergency services. Consult a physician before mixing any nootropic with prescription medication you’re already taking.