How Easy Is It To Launch An App Now VS In 2010?

app dev

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • From Coding Nightmare to App Assembly Line: In 2010, coding an app required coding knowledge and lots of money, but by 2024, streamlined no-code and low-code tools have transformed app development into a more accessible process.

  • The Old World Of App Coding: Previously, app development required deep knowledge of complex languages like Java and Objective-C, making it costly and limiting it to those with significant programming skills.

  • The Rise of No-Code and Low-Code Tools: No-code and low-code platforms have revolutionized app building in 2024, enabling anyone with a basic tech understanding to create apps quickly and economically.

  • The App Store Ecosystem Advantage: The modern app store ecosystem offers robust support and tools like ASO, speeding up the approval process and enhancing app visibility and monetization.

  • The Simple App Method To Cashing Out: Simple, practical apps like to-do lists or calculators can be developed cheaply and quickly, potentially earning significant revenue through ads and premium features.

From Coding Nightmare to App Assembly Line

Remember 2010? the app store was like a wild west of weird ideas and buggy code.

Building an app back then felt like venturing into a programming labyrinth…exciting, challenging, but with a distinct possibility of getting lost.

In 2010, the global mobile app market was valued at a mere $17 billion. Today, that number has skyrocketed to a staggering $621.4 billion.

You no longer need a team of seasoned developers to solve complex coding languages and fragmented operating systems. The app building process has become significantly more streamlined and accessible.

But just how much easier has it become to build an app in 2024 compared to 2010?

The Old World Of App Coding

Building an app used to require wrestling with complex programming languages like Java for Android and Objective-C for iOS.

In 2010, the average cost of developing a basic mobile app ranged from $30,000 to $75,000. For many small businesses and individuals, this price tag was simply out of reach.

These languages had steep learning curves, requiring a deep understanding of software development principles.

For aspiring entrepreneurs or anyone without a coding background, this was a significant barrier to entry.

Finding qualified developers was another hurdle. The demand for skilled app developers far outpaced the supply, leading to talent wars and sky high development costs.

A simple app concept could easily balloon into a five-figure investment before even reaching the prototype stage.

This limited app creation primarily to established companies with the resources to build in house development teams or outsource to expensive agencies.

The Rise of No-Code and Low-Code Tools

The year is 2024, and the app-building landscape is unrecognizable from its 2010 counterpart.

The biggest change? The rise of no-code and low-code development platforms.

Building an app now involves drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive interfaces, without needing to write a single line of code.

These user-friendly platforms offer a vast library of pre-built features and functionalities like login screens, social media integrations, push notifications, and more.

With a few clicks and customizations, you can create a functional app prototype in a fraction of the time and cost compared to traditional coding methods.

Studies by Gartner predict that 1/4 of all app development will be done using low-code platforms by 2024.

This is a massive shift in accessibility, allowing anyone with a great idea and a basic understanding of technology to bring their vision to life.

The App Store Ecosystem Advantage

The ease of building an app extends beyond just the development process.

Getting your app approved and listed on the App Store or Google Play used to be a daunting process, with strict guidelines and lengthy review times.

But today, the app store ecosystem is a well oiled machine, offering a plethora of resources and support for developers to launch apps and get their apps downloaded and purchased.

  • App Store Optimization (ASO) Tools: ASO helps your app get discovered by potential users through targeted keywords and optimized app store listings. In 2010, this was largely an intuitive guessing game. Today, app stores offer comprehensive analytics and A/B testing tools to help you refine your app's visibility.

  • Developer Communities and Forums: Stuck on a coding issue or need inspiration? No problem! Thriving online communities and forums connect developers of all experience levels. These platforms allow you to tap into a wealth of knowledge, troubleshoot problems, and learn from others' experiences.

  • Monetization Options: Monetizing your app in 2010 was often limited to in-app purchases or intrusive advertising. Today, app stores offer a wider range of flexible monetization options, including subscription models, freemium structures, and rewarded advertising that provides a better user experience.

These extended resources streamline the entire app development and launch process, making it easier than ever to not only build your app but also get it into the hands of the right users.

The Simple App Method To Cashing Out

Thinking about making your own app and getting some sales on the app store? Go as simple and practical to the user as possible.

Basic utility apps like calculators get used and downloaded just as much as the most complex apps in the world like Canva.

Simple apps typically have a straightforward functionality and a user-friendly interface, which reduces both the development time and cost.

One example of a simple app could be a basic to-do list app, which allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks, can be relatively simple to develop.

Development costs could range from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the platform (iOS, Android, or both), design complexity, and whether you hire freelancers or a development agency.

This type of app can be monetized through ads or a premium version that offers additional features like synchronization across devices, reminders, and task categorization.

Potential earnings can vary significantly but a well-marketed to-do list app can earn over $5,000 per month through a combination of ad revenues and premium upgrades.

The easiest way to design and code your app would be to use one of top done-for-you app launching platforms like OutSystems.

You’ll then need to develop a marketing strategy to promote your app using social media, content marketing, and app store optimization (ASO). Decide on a monetization strategy that suits your app and market.

The BMM Takeaway

It’s important to remember that a great app idea is still just the first step. Understanding your target audience, conducting market research, and designing a user friendly interface are all crucial aspects of success.

But with the right tools, resources, and a dash of creativity, anyone can turn their app idea into a reality in 2024.

The app building landscape has transformed from a programmer's playground to a platform where anyone can bring their vision to life and potentially disrupt their chosen industry. So, what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming your app idea today!