Brandon Carter's Top VR Apps to Burn Calories

Image by Big Money Methods

If you’re old enough to remember when Dance Dance Revolution came out, you remember the crazy thing that happened as a result.

Hundreds of overweight kids start losing crazy weight from playing this game.

Because it was fun as hell.

And now VR is taking that concept to the next level with apps that are both built for fitness and also games where you don’t even realize how many calories you’re burning.

Sometimes I’ll even just take two 5 lb dumbbells and keep them in my hands alongside the controllers while I play these games.

So when I be firing arrows or boxing, I get an insane burn in my shoulders and forearms.

Check out some of my favorite games and apps that burn crazy calories below:

Why VR Fitness Works So Well

I've always said that the best workout is the one you actually look forward to doing.

With VR fitness, the fun factor is through the roof.

You're not just working out; you're playing a game where your movement and effort translate into in-game success.

And when exercise is fun, it doesn't feel like a workout anymore.

Remember how I always talk about finding your "why" and staying motivated?

VR fitness can also tap into this by providing immediate feedback and rewards.

Seeing your progress in real-time, earning achievements, and competing in virtual leaderboards provide a constant stream of motivation.

It's about challenging yourself, beating your last score, and reaching new heights.

Then, the byproduct is you losing weight.

My Top 4 Games And Apps

These are in my opinion the ultimate VR fitness apps that will turn your workout routine into an adrenaline pumping, calorie blasting virtual adventure.

BoxVR/FitXR: Picture this: you, a virtual boxing ring, and a fire playlist. That's BoxVR, evolved into FitXR. This app isn't just about throwing punches; it's about moving your whole body to the rhythm.

With real-time tracking, you'll see calories burn away as you jab, uppercut, and dodge. It's an all out cardio session that disguises itself as a pulse pounding game. And with a variety of workouts, you're hitting every muscle group.

Image Courtesy of Music Ally

Supernatural: Imagine working out with a view of the pyramids one day and the Northern Lights the next. Supernatural takes you there, offering full-body workouts in stunning virtual landscapes.

It's not just about the scenery; it's about the challenge. With new workouts daily, guided by expert coaches, and a soundtrack that pushes you past your limits, you're getting a boutique fitness class in the most beautiful settings imaginable.

Image Courtesy of Business Insider

The Thrill of the Fight: For those who've dreamt of stepping into a boxing ring without the bruises to show for it, The Thrill of the Fight is your virtual reality. This app tests your boxing skills in a hyper-realistic simulation that will have your heart racing and your muscles burning.

It's all about technique, timing, and tenacity. You're not just playing a game; you're training, fighting, and pushing your limits with every round. It's intense, it's gritty, and it's one of the most effective ways to burn calories in V

Image Courtesy of VR Fitness Insider

Superhot VR: Swapping traditional fitness for a mind-bending experience, Superhot VR turns you into an action movie hero where time moves only when you do. This game might not be labeled as a fitness app, but don't be fooled. You'll be ducking, dodging, and weaving through a barrage of slow-motion bullets, throwing punches, and grabbing weapons out of the air.

It's a full-body workout that feels more like a strategic dance. The unique time mechanic requires careful thought and movement, ensuring you're engaging your whole body. By the end of it, you'll have worked up a serious sweat, burned a ton of calories, and maybe saved the world a couple of times.

Image Courtesy of Road To VR

The BMM Takeaway

I’ve personally found VR to be an amazing way to get more cardio into my routine and make it fun while I do it.

The only issue I have with it to be honest is the headset can get a little sweaty and uncomfortable if you move around too long.

But even just 15 minutes of one of these games can get your heart pumping like crazy, so give them a shot if you have a VR headset.

If you don’t have a VR headset, I also suggest getting a Nintendo Switch.

Honestly at this point I should just get endorsed by Nintendo and sell Brandon Carter Nintendo Switches, because I advocate for these all the time.

When you’re on the treadmill getting steps in, I can game on the switch and play smash bros to pass the time.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Why VR Fitness Works So Well: VR fitness makes workouts enjoyable by blending gaming with exercise, providing immediate feedback, achievements, and the motivation to keep improving and reaching new heights.

  • My Top 4 Games And Apps:

    • BoxVR/FitXR: Offers full-body rhythm boxing workouts with real-time tracking to see calories burned.

    • Supernatural: Provides full-body workouts in stunning virtual landscapes with daily new challenges and expert guidance.

    • The Thrill of the Fight: A hyper-realistic boxing simulator that tests technique, timing, and tenacity.

    • Superhot VR: Turns workout into a strategic, full-body session where time moves only with you, offering a unique blend of fitness and gaming.

  • VR is a fantastic way to incorporate cardio into your routine in a fun way, though the headset can get sweaty. For non-VR options, consider a Nintendo Switch for gaming while on the treadmill.