April 22nd Edition

In Today’s Edition:

Microdosing: what it is, how it can benefit your body and mind, and how to do it safely. Also Brandon Carter sheds some knowledge on the 3 most basic wealth strategies EVERY guy should be using right now. And finally, we’ll discuss why focusing on your goals might be the reason you’re not achieving them…don’t miss it!

Read Time 10 mins

How To Use Microdosing For Creativity and Productivity

Image by Big Money Methods

What if instead of drinking coffee in the morning you ate some magic mushrooms?

More power to you if that’s your thing. But today we’re talking about microdosing.

Microdosing doesn’t involve tripping balls during your morning commute to work.

It’s actually when you take very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms.

And doing so has been shown to boost creativity, increase productivity, and even improve emotional well-being without the intense psychedelic effects.

But how do you do it safely? What are all of the benefits? And what are the side effects?

3 Crucial Investments Every Guy MUST Have

Image by Big Money Methods

If you still don’t know what a 401(k) is or why it’s useful, you DEFINITELY need to read this.

You see, understanding the basics of investing isn't just for the Wall Street types.

These tools exist to help you cover your own ass later in life with a nice nest egg of cash, so you need to learn them.

I’ll break down three simple wealth strategies that you can start using today.

No jargon, no complications, just straight-up advice on how to get your money working for you.

Why Focusing On Goals Is One of the Worst Ways to Achieve Them

Goal setting is overrated.

I know that probably goes against the advice you’ve heard from all the internet “gurus” out there, but hear me out. When people set goals, they involuntarily focus in the wrong direction. They attempt to achieve their goals in a way that sets them up for failure.

For many, setting goals creates anxiety and emotional stress. They want to achieve their goals so severely that they incessantly fixate on them, causing suffering and distress.

Their dreams slowly transform into nightmares.

To avoid massive heartbreak and giving up on your quest, read on.

🎯 Today’s Action Item

Try Mindful Chewing Today

Mindful chewing is probably the easiest mindfulness concept you can do right now to help you enjoy food more and gain less weight.

When you chew your food, chew slowly and actually taste what you’re eating instead of wolfing it down. It’ll help you slow down and not overeat.

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