Applying Methods From "The Art Of War" To Real Life

art of war

Image by Big Money Methods

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

2500 Year Old Wisdom That Holds True Today

Sun Tzu wasn’t just a military strategist. He was also a master of understanding human nature and the dynamics of conflict.

The Art of War might be over 2,500 years old, but the wisdom in those pages is timeless.

And whether knowingly or unknowingly, Sun Tzu’s battle strategies can easily be translated into a blueprint for winning in life.

Here’s the thing: life is full of battles. And brute force isn’t going to win them all.

Sun Tzu teaches that real power comes from strategy. Knowing your environment, planning your moves, and striking at the right moment.

In this article, we’ll break down how you can take the principles from The Art of War and apply them to your life.

Know Yourself and Your Enemy

Sun Tzu’s first rule in The Art of War is simple: “Know yourself and know your enemy.”

It teaches that if you want to win, you need to have a deep understanding of both your strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of your competition.

Know Yourself

Let’s start with you. Self awareness is the key to success.

If you don’t know what you’re good at, what drives you, and where you need to improve, you’re flying blind.

You’ve got to be brutally honest with yourself.

What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are the patterns in your behavior that hold you back?

When you know yourself, you can play to your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

You can avoid situations that expose your vulnerabilities and double down on the areas where you excel.

It’s about being strategic with your time, energy, and focus.

Know Your Enemy

Now, let’s talk about your competition.

In business, in life, in anything…your enemy isn’t always a person.

It could be a market trend, a challenging project, or even your own self doubt.

The key is to understand what you’re up against.

Study your competition, understand their strengths, and recognize their weaknesses. This way, you can anticipate their moves and stay one step ahead.

Sun Tzu’s wisdom here is all about preparation. When you know yourself and your enemy, you can choose your battles wisely.

You’ll know when to push forward and when to pull back.

You won’t waste time and energy on fights you can’t win.

Instead, you’ll focus on the battles that matter, the ones you’re destined to conquer.

Strategy Over Strength: Winning Without Fighting

Sun Tzu taught that true victory often comes without the need for direct confrontation.

He emphasized the power of strategy...using intelligence and foresight to achieve your goals before conflict even arises.

Leverage Your Strengths, Outsmart the Competition

Instead of engaging in unnecessary battles, Sun Tzu’s wisdom focuses on planning ahead...thinking several moves forward to position yourself for success.

In business, this means understanding the market, recognizing your competition’s weaknesses, and finding ways to lead without confrontation.

For example, I never bad mouth my competition or say I’m better at what I do than them.

I just make helpful and entertaining content that naturally draws subscribers to me.

Create Alliances and Use Influence

Winning isn’t always about going it alone. Sun Tzu valued the power of alliances, forming strategic partnerships that strengthen your position.

In your career, this might mean building a network of allies who can help you achieve your objectives.

I’ve collaborated with countless influencers and fitness icons to expand my own empire more rapidly than if I was on my own.

Be Unpredictable

Never let them know your next move.

If your competitors can’t anticipate your next move, they can’t effectively counter it.

Staying adaptable, embracing change, and avoiding a rigid plan keep you in control...leaving others off balance and unable to respond effectively.

By incorporating these strategies into your approach, you can achieve your goals with less effort.

The smartest victories are those won through strategy, where the battle is over before it even begins.

Adaptability: The Key to Survival and Success

Sun Tzu’s strategies in The Art of War emphasize the importance of adaptability.

He understood that the battlefield is unpredictable, and rigid plans often fail.

The same principle applies to life...those who can adapt to changing circumstances are the ones who thrive.

Adaptability allows you to respond effectively to challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.

Read the Situation

Sun Tzu also taught the importance of assessing the environment before making a move.

In life, this means being aware of your surroundings and the dynamics at play.

Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal development, take the time to understand the context before acting.

This awareness will enable you to make smarter decisions that align with the current situation, rather than forcing a plan that no longer fits.

Adjust and Overcome

When faced with obstacles, the ability to adapt is crucial.

Instead of viewing challenges as insurmountable, see them as opportunities to adjust your strategy and overcome.

Sun Tzu believed that those who adapt to the changing conditions of battle are the ones who win.

In your own life, this means being resilient and creative in finding solutions, rather than being defeated by setbacks.

The BMM Takeaway

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War offers much more than military strategies.

It provides a comprehensive approach to tackling life’s challenges with precision and insight.

I’ve personally used these tactics to get ahead professionally and personally in life.

And by applying these ancient principles to your daily life, you can approach every obstacle with a clear strategy, ensuring that you’re always prepared and ahead of the curve.