Can This "Anti Aging Molecule" Turn Back The Clock For Men?

This “back in time” molecule may be the closest thing to the fountain of youth we know.

And it’s not just about making your face look younger. This naturally occurring compound in your body helps reverse the entire aging process, from your joint health to your cognitive function.

So for all the guys in their late twenties reading this who are starting to feel the effects of aging creeping up, this is especially for you.

But what is this magical anti aging molecule and how do you generate more of it in your body?

It’s called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD for short.

And because it’s a molecule (specifically called a “coenzyme”) you can’t just pop a supplement to facilitate its production.

NAD is crucial for helping your cells generate energy.

As our bodies naturally produce less NAD over time, our cells have less energy and can’t make crucial repairs to joints, brain health, and skin health, making us look and feel older.

But luckily there are some things you can start doing now to that will help increase NAD levels and reverse the clock.

What Does NAD Do?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is more than just a molecule; it's a cornerstone of cellular health and longevity.

Found in all living cells, NAD is essential for energy production and numerous metabolic processes.

But what exactly is NAD, and why is it so crucial for our health, particularly as we age?

The Role of NAD in the Body:

  1. Energy Production: NAD plays a pivotal role in metabolism, aiding in converting food into energy. It's a key player in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, where it helps generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Studies have shown that ATP production, critical for cellular function, declines with age, partly due to decreasing NAD levels.

  2. DNA Repair and Cell Signaling: NAD is not just about energy. It's also involved in repairing damaged DNA and in cell signaling. As we age, DNA repair mechanisms become less efficient, partly due to depleted NAD levels. Several studies have shown actual increases in stem cells as a result of NAD therapy.

  3. Sirtuin Activation: NAD is essential for the activation of sirtuins, a group of proteins known to regulate cellular health and aging. Sirtuins influence inflammation, DNA repair, and stress resistance, all crucial for slowing the aging process. Research indicates that increased sirtuin activity, supported by NAD, can extend lifespan in yeast, worms, and mice.

Decline of NAD with Age:

As we age, we see a drastic decline in NAD levels. Studies have documented that NAD levels decrease by up to 50% between the ages of 40 and 60.

This decline is linked to age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders.

How To Start Increasing NAD In Your Body

Try incorporating these changes into your daily routine to fight back against the aging clock:

  1. Diet:

    • NAD Precursors: Consuming foods rich in NAD precursors can help boost your NAD levels. These precursors include tryptophan (found in turkey, chicken, cheese, and eggs) and niacin (found in beef, fish, peanuts, and avocados).

    • Polyphenols: Foods high in polyphenols, like berries, nuts, and green tea, can also support NAD production. They are believed to enhance the activity of enzymes that help produce NAD in the body.

  2. Supplements:

    • Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN): These are popular NAD+ precursors available as supplements. They are converted into NAD+ in the body, potentially raising NAD levels.

    • Niacin (Vitamin B3): Niacin, another form of vitamin B3 like NR and NMN, can also be taken as a supplement to increase NAD levels (consult with your doctor before taking any supplements)

  3. Exercise:

    • Regular Physical Activity: Exercise has been shown to boost NAD levels. It stimulates the production of NAD in the body, particularly in muscles, and may also activate enzymes that help produce NAD.

  4. Lifestyle Changes:

    • Caloric Restriction: Studies have shown that reducing calorie intake can increase NAD levels, likely by activating certain pathways in the body that produce NAD.

    • Reducing Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can deplete NAD levels, so moderating alcohol consumption may help preserve NAD.

  5. Sunlight Exposure:

    • Moderate Sun Exposure: Some research suggests that moderate sun exposure might help in increasing NAD levels, though this area is still being explored.

How NAD Impacts The Whole Body

While NAD therapy is primarily recognized for its potential in anti-aging, its benefits may extend far beyond just countering the effects of aging.

Cognitive Function Improvement: Recent studies, like one highlighted in "Frontiers in Neuroscience," show that NAD supplementation can notably enhance cognitive function in aged mice. This improvement is attributed to:

  • Enhanced neuronal function, crucial for maintaining healthy brain activity.

  • Protection against neurodegenerative diseases. NAD's role in supporting neuroplasticity and reducing oxidative stress and inflammation is critical here, as these factors are often linked to cognitive decline.

Aid in Addiction Recovery: Clinics utilizing NAD therapy for addiction recovery have observed encouraging results, including a reduction in withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

These outcomes, while promising, are still pending further validation through controlled clinical trials. The biochemical rationale behind these observations lies in NAD's ability to:

  • Restore brain biochemistry altered by substance abuse.

  • Repair neurotransmitter imbalances and alleviate oxidative stress, pivotal in the journey of addiction recovery.

Energy Level Boost: NAD precursors can increase NAD levels in muscle tissue, thereby improving mitochondrial function and, consequently, energy levels in older adults.

This boost in energy stems from enhanced mitochondrial efficiency, leading to increased production of ATP, the cell's primary energy molecule.

Metabolic Disorders Management: NAD precursors could also play a therapeutic role in metabolic disorders such as diabetes. This effect is likely due to NAD's influence on metabolic pathways, including:

  • Enhancing insulin action.

  • Regulating inflammatory responses, both of which are essential in managing metabolic disorders.

Possible Results You Could Expect (By Timeline)

Here's a breakdown of the potential improvements and a timeline for when they might typically be observed.

Initial Weeks (1-4 Weeks):

  • Energy Levels: One of the earliest changes may be an increase in energy levels. Participants in studies have reported feeling more alert and energetic, likely due to improved mitochondrial function.

  • Mood Improvement: As NAD plays a role in neurotransmitter production, some individuals may notice an improvement in mood and cognitive function.

First Few Months (1-3 Months):

  • Skin Health: Around the second month, improvements in skin texture and hydration may become noticeable. A study in the "Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology" noted that NAD supplements could enhance skin barrier function and reduce signs of aging.

  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Enhanced NAD levels can regulate circadian rhythms, potentially leading to better sleep quality, as observed in some clinical trials.

3-6 Months:

  • Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines: With continued therapy, the skin may start showing reduced signs of wrinkles and fine lines, attributed to improved cellular repair and collagen production.

  • Joint Health: Some reports suggest improvements in joint health and mobility. NAD's role in reducing inflammation could contribute to alleviating joint discomfort.

6 Months and Beyond:

  • Youthful Glow: Around this time, a more youthful skin appearance, often described as a 'glow', might be evident. This is possibly due to enhanced overall skin health and improved microcirculation.

  • Continued Cognitive Benefits: Continued improvements in cognitive function may be observed, with some studies indicating long-term benefits in brain health.

  • Physical Fitness: Enhanced physical performance and muscle strength might become more noticeable, as suggested by research linking NAD with improved muscle function.

The BMM Takeaway

A lot of guys reading this right now may not be anywhere near the age where they need to worry about aging. Enjoy it while it lasts.

But for those who are 25, 30, 35ish…you probably don’t feel as strong or fast as you once were at 18 or 19.

That’s because aging is unfortunately starting to creep up on you like that one psycho ex girlfriend.

So make sure to take care of your health NOW. Eat healthy and exercise to build the strongest body possible while your body is still producing ample amounts of NAD and other crucial compounds.

Because when you get older, it’ll start getting harder to find the energy. And if you’re already out of shape by that point, it’ll be be hard to snap out of it.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • NAD's Vital Role: NAD, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is crucial for energy production, DNA repair, and overall cellular health, impacting aging and various bodily functions.

  • Boosting NAD: You can increase NAD levels through diet (foods rich in NAD precursors and polyphenols), supplements (like Nicotinamide Riboside and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), regular exercise, moderating alcohol consumption, and potentially through IV therapy and moderate sun exposure

  • Wide-Ranging Benefits: Elevating NAD levels may lead to improved cognitive function, aid in addiction recovery, boost energy levels, enhance cardiovascular health, and help manage metabolic disorders.

  • Visible Improvements Timeline: Noticeable benefits like enhanced energy, mood, skin health, and joint health can emerge over weeks to months, contributing to a more youthful and healthier overall appearance and well-being.

  • Actionable Steps: Incorporating NAD-boosting foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes into daily routines can be a proactive approach to harnessing NAD's benefits for anti-aging and improved health.