8 Habits Of A Rich Man That Will Make You More Money

Image by Big Money Methods

They say most millionaires and billionaires have a key set of habits in common.

And no, it’s not waking up at 5 AM and jumping in an ice bath or some crazy sh*t like that.

I’m talking about habits and traits like intelligent money management, continuous skill development, exceptional time management.

Habits are not just limited to simple things like making sure to do the laundry every day.

They can be as big as major paradigm shifts that change how you operate as a person.

Enhancing productivity, continuous optimization, learning new skills…these can all become habits.

Habits that will make you insanely rich.

Because think about it…once you have a habit, it’s hard to quit.

They say it takes about 66 days to make something habitual

So try to get yourself hooked on some of these rich man habits for at least 60 days if you want to get rich.

Rich Habit 1: Tracking Your Spending

Here’s a hard truth.

Not tracking your spending is the number one thing keeping you broke.

Just like you track your macros when you’re shredding fat or bulking up, you’ve got to treat your financial health with the same intensity and precision.

Think of it this way: money in, money out.

It’s like calories in, calories out.

If you’re not keeping an eye on it, how are you gonna know where you stand?

I remember chatting with my buddy, Ty Lopez, and he was going off about this. He asked his staff members if they knew how much they spent last month, and I wish you could have seen their faces. Clueless.

And that’s the problem - most of you have no idea where your money’s going, and it’s killing your financial gains.

Mint.com - My Weapon of Choice

Now, I'm not about that life where you gotta scribble every expense in some old school spreadsheet.

We're living in the future. So I use mint.com to keep track of all my finances, and it’s free.

You link up all your accounts…bank, credit cards, investments, even your crypto and real estate, and boom, you've got a full picture of your financial health.

It’s like MyFitnessPal but for your bank account.

Mint will sort your spending into categories, and if you’re as obsessed with this as I am, you’ll check it daily.

Make sure everything’s on point, every income, every expense, categorized just right. It gives you that power, that control over your finances, just like tracking your macros gives you control over your body.

Rich Habit 2: Rethinking Budgeting with NBA (Never Broke Again) Accounting

This is my NBA (Never Broke Again) Accounting method.

This ain’t your grandma's budgeting strategy; this is about setting yourself up to get rich and STAY rich. Let's break it down.

Breaking Down NBA Accounting

When I first hit a million in revenue, I checked my account and was like, "Where'd all my money go?"

That's when I knew I needed a system, something bulletproof.

NBA Accounting compartmentalizes your finances into 5 accounts, making sure every dollar is being spent, invested, or saved correctly.

The Setup: Five Accounts

Here's the play. You set up five bank accounts.

Walk into that bank like you own the place and get it set up. The banker might look at you funny, but remember, you're on a mission to never be broke again.

  1. Income Account: This is where all your money lands first. No bills get paid from here, no nothing. It's like the landing pad for your cash.

  2. War Chest Account: This bad boy is for investments only. We're talking about turning that cash into more cash. I throw 50% of my income here. It’s about making your money work for you.

  3. Operations Account: This is your day-to-day living account. Groceries, bills, all that jazz. I put 30% here. It's your operating budget.

  4. Tax Account: Uncle Sam’s cut. For me, it’s 15%. You gotta stay on top of your taxes, especially if you're hustling and making those big moves.

  5. Baller Account: This is the fun one. I put 5% here. This is for the fly gear, the crazy nights out, the stuff that makes life fun. But it's controlled – you're only spending what's in here.

Why This Works

You might be thinking, "Brandon, why all these accounts?"

It's simple. It forces you to be intentional with your money. When you got different pots for different goals, you can't just blow your cash without thinking.

It's about being strategic. Plus, it pushes you to hustle harder. If you’re only living off that 30% in your operations account, you're gonna hustle to make sure it’s enough.

NBA Accounting ain't just a budgeting method; it's a mindset. It’s about taking control, being a boss with your money.

Rich Habit 3: The Power of Time Management in Earning

Time is money. But more importantly, how you use your time directly impacts your earning potential. I call this the 'Time Exercise', and it’s a total game-changer. Let me lay it down for you.

The 'Time Exercise' Breakdown

Everyone's got the same 24 hours in a day, but how you use those hours is what sets the winners apart from the losers.

This is something I call the 'Time Exercise'. It’s all about auditing where your time goes, and trust me, it's eye-opening.

Tracking Your Time

Start simple.

How many hours are you sleeping? Working? Chilling with family or your partner?

Add all that up. Now, subtract it from 168 - that’s the total hours in a week.

What you're left with, that's your hustle time. That's your goldmine.

Realizing the Potential

Most folks, they're blowing this time on nonsense - binge-watching shows, scrolling through social media, you know the drill.

But if you're serious about not just getting by but getting ahead, every one of those extra hours needs to be about making money.

When I was grinding my way up, I wasn't chilling. I was hustling – training clients, working security, anything I had to. Remember, only you can dictate how you use all that extra time.

Rich Habit 4: Investing in Assets vs. Luxuries

This one is simple: use your hard-earned cash to buy things that make you more money, not just stuff that looks cool.

The Asset Mindset

Here's the deal: assets are things that put money in your pocket. We're talking stocks, real estate, businesses…things that grow your wealth.

Luxuries, on the other hand, they might look dope, but they're just burning a hole in your wallet.

Asset-First Approach

Before you splurge on that high-end watch or designer gear, think about buying an asset first.

Every time you're about to drop cash on a luxury, ask yourself,

"Could this money be better spent on an asset that makes me MORE money in the future?"

Take it from me. When I started flipping my spending from luxuries to assets, that's when my financial game really leveled up.

It’s not about never having nice things; it’s about getting those nice things through the income your assets generate. That’s smart money moves.

Your best bet to start acquiring assets would probably be real estate. My buddy Tom Cruz coaches an intro type of real estate investing called Section 8 that’s more affordable for beginner investors.

Rich Habit 5: Saving Time Over Money

You need to start valuing your time more than your money.

It's not about how much you save; it's about how much you value your time. Because your time will always be able to translate into more money.

In fact, time does NOT equal money. In this day and age, time is MORE valuable than money because we can make so much more money in less time with the resources we have at our disposal.

Think about it. If you're spending hours doing something you could pay someone else to do for less than what you could earn in that same time, you're not playing it smart.

So what do rich CEOs do? They delegate.

If someone else can do something at least 70% as efficiently as you, delegate the task to them.

Now your brain is thinking and operating just like a business operates.

Rich Habit 6: Skill Development Over Passion Pursuit

Passions are important and will nurture your soul, but they don’t always pay the bills. The real key? Developing high-income skills.

If you focus on building skills that are in demand and pay well, you're setting yourself up for financial success.

Take it from me, once you start getting really good at a high-income skill, whether it’s coding, sales, digital marketing, or anything else, you start to enjoy it more.

Why? Because proficiency brings satisfaction and success. The better you get, the more passionate you become.

It’s all about the cycle of improvement. You develop a skill, you get better at it, you start to enjoy it more, and then you dive even deeper. This cycle turns a skill into a passion, and more importantly, it turns that passion into profit.

Rich Habit Habit 7: The Importance of Early Investing

The earlier you invest, the more time your money has to grow.

That’s why it’s so crucial to start investing young so you can cash out easier when you’re older.

The best thing for you to understand first is compound interest.

Compound Interest: The Game Changer

Compound interest is like your money making babies, and then those babies making more babies. It’s a beautiful cycle.

It’s not just about what you invest; it’s about how long you keep it invested. The longer your money is working for you, the more you’ll see it grow exponentially.

When I started taking investing seriously, I saw how my money started working for me.

I put it into stocks, index funds, whatever made sense. Over time, those investments started to pay off big time, way more than if I had just saved the money.

And you don't need to be a Wall Street whiz to start. Just get into a simple index fund or a retirement account like a Roth IRA. The important part is to start now, keep consistently investing, and let time and compound interest do their thing.

Rich Habit 8: Continuous Learning and Self-Investment

Your most valuable financial asset is YOU.

You control all the money…where you spend it, how you invest it, how much you make.

And with the financial world changing almost every day, if you're not learning, you're putting your money at risk.

Investing in your education, whether it's formal, through books, online courses, or seminars, pays off. It's about keeping your skills sharp and staying ahead of the game.

Every dollar and every hour you put into improving yourself comes back multifold.

It could be learning a new high-income skill, understanding the stock market better, or even improving your physical health and mental well-being. It's all connected to your financial success.

My Journey of Self-Investment

Throughout my career, I've never stopped learning. I read books, attend workshops, and constantly seek out new knowledge. This isn’t just about making more money; it’s about becoming a more well-rounded, capable person.

The BMM Takeaway

Invest in yourself.

The dividends from self-improvement are endless…better decision making, increased earning potential, and personal growth.

And remember, money works the same way as your body does. Calories in, calories out is the same as money in, money out.

You can’t be blind. You need to keep an eye on your money at all times, start incorporating these rich man habits into your everyday life.

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

  • Track Your Spending: Use tools like mint.com to monitor finances, ensuring you know where every dollar goes.

  • Adopt NBA Accounting: Implement the Never Broke Again Accounting method for strategic money allocation across five different accounts.

  • Invest in Assets: Prioritize buying assets that grow your wealth over spending on luxuries.

  • Value Time Over Money: Efficiently manage your time to focus on high-earning activities, maximizing your earning potential.

  • Develop High-Income Skills: Focus on acquiring skills that are in high demand and offer lucrative returns.

  • Start Investing Early: Take advantage of compound interest by beginning your investment journey as soon as possible.

  • Continuous Learning: Invest in personal growth and education to stay ahead in the financial game.